Jameson (In the Company of Snipers #22) - Irish Winters Page 0,113

living room tonight. Then tomorrow, you can show me what else Tank knows. We’ll go to the park and really put him through his paces, deal?”

“Deal!” Little A exclaimed. “But I gotta ask Mommy and Daddy first.”

“Of course,” Jameson replied as he set A’s feet to the sidewalk and reached for the massive handle on his apartment’s double doors. With one click of the smart key fob in his jeans pocket, he ushered Little A inside, while Tank followed.

“I really like you, Uncle Jameson,” Little A said, his hand so small and warm inside Jameson’s. “Maybe you can come see the rest of my pups someday.”

“Good idea.” Jameson opened the door to his apartment with a cheery, “Honey, we’re home!”

Maddie was instantly at his side. “Just in time. Hot chocolate and breakfast burritos are ready. Donuts for dessert,” she announced as she pressed a kiss to his cheek.

He leaned into that kiss, then handed the leash to her. “We have a very smart dog. Next time, you have to come with us.”

“Mom! Dad!” Little A called. “Kin I stay here tonight with Tank? Uncle Jameson says it’s okay, and I’ll be real good. Pleeeease?”

Jameson turned toward the kitchen table where he sensed movement and body heat.

“’S okay with me. Mom, that okay with you?” Harley answered from that location.

“Are you sure?” Judy’s quiet voice came from the sofa.

Jameson turned to face Little A’s mother. “Positive. I have a lot to learn about dogs and little boys. It’ll be fun.”

“I’m staying, too!” Georgie announced loudly from somewhere near Judy.

“No, son, you’re going home with us,” Harley told him.

“But Daddy—”

“That’s the rule,” Judy replied evenly. “Little A did all the work with his dogs, so he gets the reward.”

“Besides,” Harley drawled. “Not sure Uncle Jameson and Aunt Maddie are ready for two monsters at the same time. Let’s break them in slow.”


“Georgie, enough. Until you accept responsibility and do your chores without being told to, no sleepovers.”


“You heard me.”

“But I was just playing.”

Jameson pulled Maddie into his side as the Mortimer power struggle continued. “That’ll be us someday,” he murmured into her cheek. “A house full of kids and tests of wills. Late night feedings and diapers, doctor appointments and worries, kindergarten and dogs. Maybe a cat or two. A treehouse for sure. You still game?”

She pressed herself under his arm, her body warm and enticing as hell. “I can’t wait.”

“I love you,” he told his better half.

“I know,” she whispered back. “We’ve got a fur baby. We’re parents.”

And there it was, his future in sold gold. With Maddie. With Tank and the little boy who loved him. Tears welled in the corners of Jameson Tenney’s eyes. His greatest challenge had begun five years ago with two other little boys and a miniature donkey. If not for that frightening, horrible day, he wouldn’t be where he was now, a dog leash in one hand, his soon-to-be wife in his other. Jameson bowed his nose to Maddie’s hair, wishing Derby and Shakespeare could somehow know that he’d honored them by living. Every. Single. Day.

Because it had worked. He had thrown himself back into the deep end of life. He had learned how to swim all over again. But most of all… Life was great!

The End

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Irish Winters’ best-selling series include:

In the Company of Snipers






















Christmas Hearts

Coming soon:


Deuces Wild

King of Hearts

Joker Joker

One-Eyed Jack


Hearts and Ashes



SOBs Novels




Coming soon:

Kruze Sinclair’s story

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Keep reading for a preview of another tasty tidbit.

Preview of Harley’s story

In the Company of Snipers, #4


“Rick! Can you hear me?” US Army Corporal Harley Mortimer bellowed, his voice lost in the grinding noise of battle. “Kent? Snakes? Anyone?”

Rick didn’t answer. No one did. Only the roar of the fire came back to him. Acrid fumes poured off his overturned and now obliterated Humvee. Smelled like the whole damned Iraqi oilfield was burning again. He rolled for cover.

The chopper overhead sounded odd for a Blackhawk. Maybe a Cobra? Combat Rescue? Already? No way. He knew better. They’d be here eventually, but not this soon. Had to be one of Saddam’s. Even that conclusion felt hollow. USAF owned the sky. Everyone in the world knew that. Saddam’s air

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