Jake (Downton Cowboys #2) - Miley Maine Page 0,73

the aisle for the second time, everything felt different.

Despite his agony, my father maintained the most glorious smile throughout the entire day. His eyes spoke volumes of how happy he was for us this time. His blessings seeped through his every word and action, as he wholeheartedly thanked the guests, helped the catering crew, and shook hands with everyone as they were about to leave.

Flawless, our wedding night was truly one to remember for as long as I shall live. Even though my parents were not in a good place, something within me made me believe that they would be… soon.

It is now a week later. After Jake and I took a well-deserved break from the world, reveling in our honeymoon phase with our bundle of joy, it is time to go back to reality.

I make my way over to the nursery to check on Joseph, and he isn’t there. As I listen carefully, I hear him cooing downstairs. Going down to the ground floor, I holler, “Good morning!”

“Good morning, Mommy!” Katie giggles, holding him up from over the kitchen counter. “I’m sorry, I know you like to wake him up yourself, but he started making a fuss and I thought you needed more rest.”

“Thank you, K.” I give her a grateful look. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“Don’t mention it.” She titters, handing him over to me. “Coffee?”

“Please!” I widen my eyes. “Where’s Jake?”

“I think he’s out back, I’m not sure. He did say he’s extending his break another day.”

“I sure hope so.” I turn around, marching toward the backyard. “He promised to visit Mom with me today.”

Through the glass window on the door, I see my husband, his back to me, with a paper in his hand. It kind of reminds me of my father. Scoffing to myself, I push the door open and step outside.

“Good morning, Papa!”

“Oh.” He turns around, laughing. “Good morning, sleepyhead. Hello, cowboy.” He reaches with both hands and I give him Joseph.

Immediately, he starts kissing him all over and shielding him from the sun.

“If we get you a hat, it’ll cover all of yah!” he addresses the baby, chuckling.

Sighing, I sit down beside him. “Think we can leave him with K for a couple of hours and go over to Mom’s?”

“You sure you’re ready?”

“I have to do something. They’re both miserable without each other; this can’t be right.”

“Just… keep in mind that it will be heavy.”

“I know. But if I don’t do it, then I’ll just keep beating myself up.”

“Alright, then.” He stands up, leaning Joseph against his shoulder and sweetly patting his back, smiling at me. “Have your coffee and we’ll go.”

We ride over to the house, and Mom is not alone. Aunt Diane is there, and they are rearranging the furniture of the living room together. Immediately, Jake leaps to help.

“Ladies, are you supposed to be shovin’ couches ‘round by yourselves?” He bends over and grabs the side of a sofa Aunt Diane was pushing.

“Eh,” she jeers at him, “we may be old, but I can still kick your ass.”

Chuckling, I rush over to assist.

“Oh no, you ain’t,” Mom insists. “You just had a baby, for Christ’s sake.”

“What are you doing this for anyway?” I exclaim.

“I need a change.” Mom shrugs, pulling as Jake pushes.

“I’ll fix ya kids some brunch.” Before we even object, Aunt Diane strides over to the kitchen.

Jake clears his throat, giving me a meaningful look.

“Mom,” I whisper, “can we talk?”

“Sure.” She flops down on the sofa, slightly panting. “What is it?”

“It’s… about Dad.”

Her expression instantly changes. “What about Peter?” She presses her lips into a thin line.

“Sylvi—” Jake pulls a chair, situating it right in front of her. “Are you happy like this?”

“Wha—of course I’m not happy!” A nervous titter escapes her lips. “But he lied to me, Jake.”

“So have I,” he blurts out before quickly glancing in my direction. “I’m not here to defend that part. I’m really here for you.”

Irritated, Mom looks at me. I am both surprised at his approach and intrigued by how he plans to tackle the sensitive matter. I shrug, gesturing for her to focus on him.

“Look.” He raises both hands, leaning over as he looks her in the eyes. “The mistakes we make hurt people. There’s no arguin’ over that. But we’re all only human. And sometimes, we lose our courage and lie to hide a mistake. It’s only outta shame, Sylve.”

His honesty touches me, and I slowly descend to sit next to Mom, unable to remove my

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