Jake (Downton Cowboys #2) - Miley Maine Page 0,37

to move faster, his nails digging into my hips and keeping me in place. Again, and again, he pounds into me, his hips jerking and undulating, forgoing the practiced and languid pace altogether.

His movements are frenzied, almost animalistic, and I feel my own hips gyrate in response. I lower myself onto him, pressing my sweaty chest to his, and resting my head in the crook of his neck. His hips rise from the mattress, and mine shift in response.

Taking and giving in equal measure.

He pushes my hair behind my shoulders, angles my neck, and draws his lips back. Jake grazes my neck with his teeth then tugs on my earlobes, sucking and nibbling.

Afterward, he moves down to my breasts, lavishing them with love and attention until they are as hard as pebbles. I squirm, wanting to toss my head back, but he keeps me in place, sweat dripping from my face and onto his mouth.

His tongue darts out to lick the salty drop, his mouth slipping into a grin. I brace myself up on my elbows and thrust back, each trying to outdo the other until I can’t tell where I begin and where he ends.

The bed rocks beneath us, screeching and squeaking as we both climb higher and higher. Abruptly, he freezes, jerking and writhing as he pants. My own orgasm follows after, tearing through my chest and leaving me trembling in its wake.

Slowly, I climb off of him and sink against the feather-soft mattress. I push my hair out of my eyes and place my hand atop my chest, rising and falling unevenly. Next to me, Jake heaves a deep sigh, shifts, and wraps an arm around my shoulder. He presses his lips to my neck and places a soft kiss.

“That was intense,” I comment, running my fingers through his hair. Jake stirs, throws his arm around my stomach, and presses his head against my chest. I glance down at him and drop a kiss atop his forehead.

“I think that’s because it’s us,” Jake murmurs. “Because of the energy between us.”

“Energy?” I tease, poking his arm in response. “Did you practice that speech?”

Jake looks up at me in mock outrage. “I do not practice my speeches. I’ll have you know I’m a born romantic, and really good with words.”


Jake snorts. “No, not really, but I have been thinking about it, and it’s the only explanation I’ve got. It’s energy.”

“Or chemistry,” I added, a yawn passing through my lips.

“Same thing.”

Jake stands up and pulls me with him, leading me through to the bedroom. He undresses me as I watch, his every move deliberate while he takes his sweet time.

We make sleepy love. This time is different. It’s languorous and tender, Jake slowing down often and kissing every part of me, occasionally stopping to nibble or gently bite. I am in ecstasy.

We then cuddle up naked together for the night.

In the few days that follow, our time at the cabin feels like another era. Another place. An alternate universe where we leisurely swim in the lake, catch fish, drink until the point of intoxication, and make love over and over again.

Every time with him is different. It’s as though he’s been holding back a fountain of desire on the brink of overflowing for years.

And I am the key.

“Why can’t we just stay here forever?” I whisper one night as I lay flat on the ground out in front of the cabin, gazing at the stars above us.

“Because then you’d kill me.”

“What?” I giggle and furrow my eyebrows, quickly propping myself up on my elbows as I turn to him.

He’s splayed out over the green carpeting of damp grass, his hands behind his head. He looks delicious, so I bend over and reach with my mouth between the folds of his shirt, under the fabric and onto his stomach.

And I slightly bite.

“That’s how you kill me,” he calmly states.


“What’s better than to go with a climax?” He shrugs. “Trouble is, I’m pretty damned sure you’d miss me.”

His words remind me of the fact that soon we’ll have to go back home. Back to reality. Where I don’t get to have him all to myself.

“Would you miss me?”

“More than you know.”

“Enlighten me,” I challenge him.

He suddenly sits up straight, tilting my head up to face him. He kisses me, a kiss that doesn’t carry passion, but an undisclosed emotion we are yet to assume.

It takes me a while to realize that he’s not doing much. With his eyes closed, he’s only keeping

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