Jake (Downton Cowboys #2) - Miley Maine Page 0,21

lost for words.

“I tried to tell you,” he gestures with both hands, “but you stormed away before I could.”

Struggling to maintain a dignified composure, I stifle a smile that fights to pull up the corners of my lips and dance in my eyes. “How come she wasn’t there yesterday?”

Okay, now I’m just buying myself time.

“It was her day off.” His voice is reasonable and calming yet failing to ease every cell within my body that was seething with a thousand emotions.

“I see.” I look away and out the window.

“Look,” he takes a step closer, “I came to clear the air and tell you that I would love it if you could join me for dinner tonight.”

“Tonight?” I raise my eyebrows.

Damn, the man doesn’t waste any time.

“If… you’re free.” He raises one shoulder, giving me a questioning look. “Do you have other plans?”

The way he asks sounds like he really means, ‘Are you seeing someone else?’

“Wait.” I wrinkle my eyebrows, attempting to buy myself a few more seconds. “How did you find me?”

“Katie, the woman you met earlier. Clearly, she’s met your mother before and she told me where you live.”

I can’t deny, I’m flattered that he went through the trouble of asking and finding the way to our house. Yes, it’s a small town, but my complete lack of knowledge of his existence until yesterday let me know that he’s not one for too much mingling.

“Listen, I’m sorry.” He shakes his head. “It’s a mix-up that could’ve easily been avoided if I had told you that I have someone to help. The thing is, I haven’t had to explain anything to anyone in a while.”

Crossing my arms again, I don’t know why I still need to act the way I do. And yet, I still maintain my apprehensive expression.

What he’s really saying is that he’s been single for a while, which I find hard to comprehend. A man with his looks and possessions can easily have any woman in this town—hell, even the towns around it. How come he’s alone?

And, more importantly, why is he interested in me?

Is this the chemistry everyone talks about?

Does he want me as much as I want him?

“Okay.” I try to sound uncertain, although secretly I’m far from it. “I can make tonight.”

His face lights up and he smiles, those perfect teeth complementing his flawless aesthetic. “Does eight work for you?”


“Great.” He shifts and looks around as if he’s seeing the room for the first time. “Well, till then.” He takes a step back and his hand lands on the door.

“Let me walk you out.” I smile.

As soon as I close the door, I turn around and find Mom just a foot behind me. She startles me and I laugh.

“What the—”

“Hmm?” She tilts her head, the flowers in one hand and the chocolates in the other. “Was he apologizing for something already?”

It’s not that she’s exceptionally perceptive, but men can be so obvious sometimes.

“You could say that.” I playfully grab the flowers and strut toward the kitchen to find a vase.

“Did it work?” She follows me, setting the box down on the counter and leaning with her back against it to examine me with expert eyes.

I blush.

“I don’t know.” I fill up the vase with water. “I’ll have dinner with him tonight; maybe then I’ll make up my mind.”

One would think that I would feel silly faking playing hard to get in front of my mother. But I don’t. It’s a strategy I’ve always used to ease her worries about me throwing myself at the next guy who could take advantage of me.

“Not only is he gorgeous like you said,” she runs her fingers over the expensive box of chocolates, “he knows what he’s doing, too.”

Sensing a lecture coming my way, I turn around and face her. “Meaning?”

“He came all the way here, all dressed up, looking like a star. Flowers from Molly’s, chocolate from The Cocoa Factory.” She pauses. “And he smells like a million dollars.” She narrows her eyes. “How old is he?”

“I don’t know.” My eyes shoot from one side to the other.

“I only saw him for a second, but he’s either a lot older or a lot more experienced than you.” Her face grows serious. “Just be careful, honey. Men like that tend to know which strings to strum.”

“It’s just a date, Mom.” I try to reassure her.

“Have a lot of fun, baby.” She grins, steps forward, and gives me a kiss on the cheek, then walks out and disappears into

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