Jake (Downton Cowboys #2) - Miley Maine Page 0,13

yes,” I murmur, my voice low and husky.

I tighten my legs around his hips, forcing him closer, and thread my fingers through his silky hair. I give them a slight tug, and Jake smiles, the act sending shivers of delight racing up and down my spine, and the breath leaves my lungs.

“How does it feel?” Jake asks, still over me, straining to keep himself in check. “Should I stop?”

I shake my head. “No, don’t stop. I don’t want you to ever stop.”

He lets out a deep breath, blowing a lock of hair out of his eyes and plunges in, earning a gasp of surprise. I let my hands fall to my side, clutch my bedsheets, and inhale, catching a whiff of cologne, and the underlying sweetness of his sweat.

We move together, slowly at first then faster and faster as his movements become frenzied and energetic. I struggle to keep up as my vision blurs, and I squeeze my eyes shut, surrendering myself to the sensations.

Oh, Jake!

He runs his hands over the front of my body, pausing to pinch my breasts between his fingers. Jake lowers his mouth to the other breast, his eyes fixed on mine as he takes the nipple between his teeth and sucks.

I curse underneath my breath.

His lips curve into a slow smirk before he transfers his attention to the other nipple, and bites down hard, sending ripples of pain and pleasure ricocheting through me.

What the actual fuck?

I arch my back, let out a deep breathy moan, and sink my teeth into his shoulders. Momentarily, he stiffens, his movements slowing to a slow thrust then he picks up the pace, placing his hands on either side of my head.

He lowers his head, and captures my mouth with his, his tongue darting out to lick my lower lip. Jake plunges in again, beginning a slow battle for dominance that I let myself lose.

Again, I’m falling, trying to hold onto anything as my body shakes and shudders. Atop me, Jake makes low noises in the back of his throat, his movements quick and practiced, arms straining as he inches closer and closer to release.

Quickly, the release comes, and Jake’s body spasms, his chest rising and falling unevenly, his grunts echoing back to me. He rolls over, reaches for me, and presses a kiss to the side of my head.

I open my eyes, greeted by a happy morning sun, a bigger smile than the one I had last night tugs at the corners of my lips.

Oh, Jake Downton, you’ve definitely gotten under my skin.

As I hear Mom and Dad talking downstairs, sounds of clunking and splashing let me know that they’re in the process of making coffee and breakfast.

I unquestionably need a coffee right about now. But first, I have to decide what I’m going to wear.

Having promised Jake to drop by and check up on him, I know that I need to look better than I did yesterday. My faded jeans and old shirt aren’t exactly my best look, while he, Mr. Tough Guy, can wear a potato sack and still look breathtaking.

Hell, he drinks his coffee with two sugars and a heap of cream and still manages to look like a superhero.

I need to make an effort this time. A subtle effort that makes me look my best without being too obvious or trying too hard. Jake Downton is definitely the sort of man who’s familiar with every trick in the book. And if my judgment is sound, he probably doesn’t appreciate any excess.

Finally deciding on a simple sundress in navy blue with a yellow floral pattern, I go through my makeup and jewelry, feeling lost. It’s been ages since I last tried to impress a man. And what a man he is.

Suddenly, I remember that the little diamond pendant in my necklace caught his eye, so I keep it on. I pair it with a light swipe of sheer peach lip gloss and wet-effect mascara.

My locks have a flintiness that frames my face in a way that is both natural and effortless, prompting me to leave them as they are.

Less is more, right?

Satisfied with my appearance, I smile at myself in the mirror and open the door, picking up my favorite camel boots before strutting downstairs, feeling an extra spring in my step.

“Good morning, good parents.” I flash them a sunny grin, marching over to the kitchen to give them cheek kisses and lash bats.

“Where were you last night?” my mom cheekily asks, her eyes playfully examining

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