Jake (Downton Cowboys #2) - Miley Maine Page 0,11

his eyes. “You can’t, alright? Life gives no guarantees on anything. Either one of us could die tomorrow. Your girlfriend might go insane in a week. Frankie might fall in love in three days. Who knows?”

“And your point is?” He narrows his eyes.

“Do you love Sarah?”

“I do.”

“Are you sure of that?”


“Then do it. You might live with ‘what ifs’ for the rest o’ your life if you let ‘er slip away.” I casually shrug and pick up my beer. “And if it don’t work out? You get up, dust yourself off, and move on.”

I take a big gulp, marveling in the stares of disbelief that my brother and his friend shoot at me.

Yes, I may not be that much older than them. Yes, I may have made mistakes in the past. And yes, the events of my life may have left me bitter, or worse, traumatized.

But I refuse to let the darkness win.

Danny gave me a whole new life, just when I thought I was going to live and die in perpetual misery. Things—good and bad—happen when you least expect them. And with that thought in mind, I always remind myself of how bad things got before they became better.

The rest of the evening is fun and light, with conversations and laughter.

But, in the back of my head, I wonder if Belle is my next good thing.

Chapter Four


As I ride away from Jake’s house and out of his estate, something inside pleads with me to change my mind, but I take it in my stride and go all the same.

I have only just met him, but everything in my mind and body craves to spend the night with him, take care of him, talk and share, and ultimately, make love.

My fantasies are always ahead of me like that.

As I recall our mind-blowing kiss, I’m grateful for the stars that put him in my way, with his sun-kissed skin and voluptuous lips.

My dismay at my own hasty thoughts, along with Lady’s buoyant motions, don’t stop me from wondering what it would be like if he made love to me.

In the heat of the moment, my imagination takes over my senses as I picture his strong hands on me, softly touching and enticingly pressing against my skin in a fever of tantalizing lust.

Thanking my luck for the kind breeze that encloses me on the way home, I smile as I daydream about feeling him inside of me, his body against mine, moving in sync to the rhythm of desire, giving and taking in equal shares.

Don’t be silly. I urge myself to pull the brakes on my whims, knowing full well that a wealthy cowboy and experienced ranch owner won’t come so easily. He must have women throwing themselves at him left, right, and center.

And, I am just another one of them.

Grateful that the ride is rather long, I indulge once again in a scenario where I could make it happen with Jake. Yes, I’m aware that I’m jumping the gun. I understand that I don’t know anything about him—I don’t even know if he has a girlfriend somewhere.

But I can’t help it.

And what’s the harm in some imaginary possibilities? It’s not like I have a lot going on with my life these days.

I’ve always been terrible at being anything but myself.

Fortunately, I’ve inherited my mother’s looks and my father’s personality. If Jake doesn’t happen to like cute, strong, intelligent women, then so be it.

But, I have a feeling that he does like those things. He’s clearly a resourceful man with more than just an incredible body. Someone like him is most certainly capable of appreciating a woman like me.

I eventually arrive in town and being the way that it is, most of the shops are closed already with only a few bars open. Everyone’s indoors and the streets are calm and quiet. The rhythmic clunking of Lady’s leisurely steps echo back to me in a moment of complete and utter peace.

When I step into the house, I see that my parents have only left the night light on. They’ve clearly gone to bed, which means that I won’t have to explain where I’ve been until tomorrow morning.

Now’s not the time anyway.

I make my way upstairs and hop into the shower, shedding the clothes I’ve been wearing all day, letting them drop onto the cold tile.

As my body lets go of the heat of the day under the refreshing stream, my insides hold onto the hotness of picturing myself in Jake’s arms.

Goddamn, what’s

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