Jaded (Rock Star Trilogy) - By Mercy Amare Page 0,7

be popular. I've seen Mean Girls, and being popular sounds rather torturous. Besides, I'm kind of a band geek. You know, I am a musician. I'm more than just a pretty face who sings.”

“Trust me, I know.”

I finally notice the teacher in the front talking. I've been back here talking to Ethan for almost 10 minutes, and neither of us have gotten in trouble. I want to scream. This is exactly what I was talking about, special treatment because I'm a rock star. I don't want it! Well, I sort of do, but not really! I need to prove to myself that I can do this on my own. I want to be able to get in trouble just like every other kid. I want to get detention.

I pay attention through the rest of class, and try not to fall asleep. I'm wondering why they would have a History class at 8am. C'mon, at least give people time to wake up before you start with the boring crap.

Bob walks behind Ethan and me as we walk to algebra. I'm thinking how much I hate my morning lineup of classes. Math makes my brain hurt.

As we sit in class, I try hard to figure out what the hell the teacher is talking about, but by the end of class all the numbers are running together. I rub the temples of my head, trying to make the headache go away.

“I can help you with math,” Ethan offers.

“Really?” I'm actually really excited that he offers.

“Yeah. Come over tonight.”

I laugh. “You sure Mr. Snarky won't mind?”

He shakes his head. “Please, he's probably scared of you after you gave him that black eye. Finally, a girl tougher than my bad ass stepbrother.”

“Ok. I'll see you at...” I cut off, asking him what time.

“Seven,” he confirms.

11:00 am

Damn conscience.

When I walk into Study Hall, I take my seat and ignore Stephan Montgomery. Well, I do take a quick peek at his eye and see that it is in fact black. I can see that I decked him pretty good, and for this, I feel bad... Even though he totally deserved it.

I feel a tap on my back, and turn around in my seat. “What do you want?” I ask through gritted teeth. He smiles at me, and I hate how my heart reacts to him. One smile, and I'm putty in his (very sexy) hands.

“Tonight, you and me.” He raises his eyebrows suggestively, and once again, I curse the butterflies in my stomach.

“Can't, I'm busy.”

“I meant after you're finished doing math with my extremely nerdy stepbrother.”

Does he know everything? Like, seriously. Ethan and me planned this less than an hour ago. How does he already know?

“You know, I really don't like you.”

“Keep telling yourself that, Blondie.”

“Do you want your left eye to match your right one?” I ask.

He narrows his eyes at me. “If you weren't a girl, I would have punched you back.”

“So you're sexist too?” I laugh, and then focus my eyes on the front of the class, trying to ignore the extremely annoying guy behind me. Stephan taps me again.

“Please, will you hang out with me tonight?” He is sincere as he asks.

Dammit, why do his lips have to be so sexy? And his smoldering green eyes are freaking distracting. I say, “No,” but I'm nodding my head yes.

He smiles. “See you tonight, Blondie.”

During class, I actually pull out my math book. I'm trying to make sense of everything, but honestly, I can't even focus. I'm thinking about the boy behind me with a black eye. I'm fairly certain he is the type of guy Monica warned me to “not fall in love with”. Not that I'm in love with him. I don't even like him. I don't know why I can't seem to tell him no. It shouldn't be this hard.

And dammit, if I didn't get a conscience. I couldn't help but feel guilty about giving him a black eye. It was a little extreme. All he did was update my Twitter. It wouldn't have even been a big deal if I was a normal teenager. But I'm not. And it's my career he's messing with.

I fought with myself through class, and finally, when the bell rings I turn towards him.

“I'm sorry that I punched you.” There. That wasn't so hard.

“I'm sure you will find some way to make it up to me,” he says, winking at me. “Maybe tonight.”

I roll my eyes. “And just like that, I want to punch you again.”

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