Jaded (Rock Star Trilogy) - By Mercy Amare Page 0,58


I nod. “Yeah, a little, but she was mad. I know she didn't really mean it. She just said it in the heat of the moment.”

He grips the steering wheel tight.

“By the way, thank you.”

“For what?” he asks.

“For standing up to me. I've never had anybody punch somebody for me. It was kind of hot,” I admit.

He laughs, and then starts the car. “Scarlett, you are crazy.”

“Crazy can be fun.”

He nods his head. “Yes, it can be.”

Sunday, October 4

6:51 am

Before I change my mind.

The next morning, I am woken up by somebody ringing my doorbell obsessively. I roll over and look at the time on my phone and groan. It's Sunday, and visiting hours at the hospital aren't until nine. I hope it's not Ethan and Stephan waking me up for early morning surfing again.

When I open the front door, I am surprised to see Bridgett's mom, Mary, standing there. Immediately, I panic.

“Oh my god... Is Bridgett... Is she ok?”

“Yes, she's fine. The doctor says she is going to make a complete and healthy recovery.”

“Thank God.” I sigh of relief, and step back. “Do you want to come inside?”

“No,” she shakes her head. “I just came by to ask you to leave.”

Her words hit me hard. “No way. I'm not leaving my sister. I just found her.”

“Go back to California, Scarlett. You don't belong here. You are a negative influence on Bridgett,” she is begging me. “She is better off without you.”

Her words hurt me, because maybe she's right. If she would have been with her parent's they would have known the signs to look for. Maybe they could have prevented this from happening.

“You know it's true,” she continues. I think she knows she is getting to me. “Just leave, and give Bridgett a shot at a normal life. The normal life that you will never have. You chose the path for your life, let her chose hers.”

I shake my head. “You can't chose for her. It's her choice. And if she wants to be with her twin sister, then you should let her. Me and her are related by blood.”

“I've been there for her for 19 years. I am her mother, even if it's not by blood. You haven't even known her a month. Do you really think she will chose you over me?”

I literally can't stop the words from coming out of my mouth. “She already chose me. She came here with me. And it doesn't matter that we haven't known each other that long. We are sisters, and I love her.”

Mary has tears in her eyes. “If you love her, then you need to do what is best for her. You need to leave.”

She turns and walks away, and I stare after her.

Even though I know what she said is crazy, I can't help but wonder if she is right. Bridgett will be better off without me in her life. I will always be followed by paparazzi. The spotlight would always follow me around. And the truth is, I am not completely ready to give up my old life. My dream is still to make music.

Bridgett doesn't belong in LA. She is so smart, and has her whole future ahead of her. She needs to finish college, and have a shot at normal. As long as she stays around me, she can't have that.

So, right then, I decide leaving would be for the best. Not just for Bridgett, but for everybody.

I pick up my phone, call my pilot, and pack a small bag.

I have to leave before I change my mind.

7:36 am

I'm saying goodbye

I'm on the plane, and we are about to take off. My phone rings, and I see Stephan's name pop up on the screen.

“Hey,” I answer. My voice is shaky. I am not sure how I am going to say goodbye, but I know I have to. I not only screwed up Bridgett's life, but Stephan's too. I made things worse for him at school. The rest of his senior year is going to be hell because of me.

“Where are you? I thought we could go eat breakfast before you went to the hospital.”

I feel a tear fall down my cheek. I take a deep breath, and try to sound strong. I'm not strong. I know if he begs me to stay, I will. “I'm leaving, Stephan. Mary is right. Bridgett is better off without me. So are you.”

“Scarlett, what are you saying?”

“I'm saying goodbye.”

The pilot comes back to where I'm sitting. “We are

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