Jaded (Rock Star Trilogy) - By Mercy Amare Page 0,57

long hallway to Bridgett's room. She's inside a room with a couple other people.

“Can we move her to her own room?” I ask the doctor.

He looks at me. “Where are her parents? Private rooms are expensive.”

He doesn't recognize me. “Maybe you don't know me, but I'm Scarlett Ryan. Money is no issue for me. I will be the one paying the bill.”

He nods, and a look of recognition comes over his face. “My daughter loves your music... Give me a few minutes and they will have a room ready for Bridgett.”

“Thank you,” I say, and then walk inside the curtain, followed by Stephan.

Bridgett is hooked up to a bunch of machines, and she has IV's stuck in her arm. She's asleep, and laying there, she looks so small. She shouldn't be here.

I walk up her her, and hold her hand. I'm not sure what I am supposed to do, so I decide to just be here for her... And for me.

It is in that moment I realize just how much I love Bridgett. I may have only known her a few weeks, but the bond that we share is so strong. If anything happened to her, I don't know how I would survive. I need her, and right now, she needs me.

10:41 pm

Crazy can be fun.

Later that night, Bridgett's family gets to the hospital. They immediately go in to see her, so Stephan and I wait in the waiting room. They stay back there for about 30 minutes, and when they come out to where we are sitting. Her mom, Mary, has tears in her eyes, but when she sees me, her expression changes. She looks furious.

“You,” she glares at me. “You LET this happen! If she would have just stayed home with me, this wouldn't have happened!”

“Calm down,” Stephan interjects for me. “If anything, Scarlett helped her. She got her help.”

“She wouldn't have needed help if she wasn't with her. I knew it was a bad idea to send my sweet, innocent child with this... this... whore.”

Her comment hurts, but I've heard worse from the tabloids. I know that she's just mad right now, and once she calms down that she will regret what she said. Unfortunately, Stephan doesn't feel the same way. As soon as the word whore leaves her lips, I see Stephan's arm goes up. I know that he is about to punch her, but there isn't anything I can do.

Everything is going in slow motion, yet so fast at the same time. I know that Stephan's fist is about to connect with her face. Before his fist connects with Mary's face, Rick steps in front of his wife, taking the hit for her.

When Stephan's fist hits Rick's face, I literally hear bones crunch. Rick falls backwards onto the ground. I hear myself gasp as he hits the ground.

Rick sits up, and I'm thankful the hit didn't knock him out, but his jaw is already swelling and hit lip is bleeding.

“You!” I hear Mary. She goes to put her finger in Stephan's chest, but Rick pushes her back.

“You've caused enough trouble,” he tells her. It's hard to understand him because his face is so swollen. He then turns to us. “You should leave. I won't press charges. Scarlett, you can come back in the morning.”

Mary huffs beside him. “She can not come back.”

“Mary,” he says, a little more firmly. “Bridgett is 19 years old. You can't keep her away from her sister. This would've happened whether she was home or here, and you know it.”

“Thank you, Mr. Evans,” I tell him. I grab Stephan's arm, and pull him away. He doesn't want to budge at first, but finally, he turns and comes with me.

As Stephan and I walk to my car, he is silent. The silence is awkward, and I am not sure what I am supposed to say. He is still fuming. Once we get to the car, Stephan takes my keys.

“I'm driving.”

I look at my Lamborghini, and then at him. I'm so grateful he offered to drive, because I realize I can't. I'm still in emotional shock from what just happened. I hand him the keys, and he opens the passenger side door for me.

Once I'm side, he shuts the door, walks around the car, and gets in the driver's side. He turns to me, and smiles sadly. “I'm sorry about what she said.”

I shrug. “I've heard worse.”

“But this is different. She's your sister's mom. She's basically family. It has to hurt to hear

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