Jaded (Rock Star Trilogy) - By Mercy Amare Page 0,56

As I shift from first to second, the front end of my car goes a little to the left. I don't let off the gas, I just swerve my car back straight. I drive 120 mph the whole way there, never letting off the gas.

3:22 pm

Praying for a miracle

Normally a 30 minute drive, only takes 15 minutes. When I get there, I park my car quickly and run inside the ER.

It's seriously a miracle I didn't get pulled over by a cop.

Now, I'm praying for a miracle for Bridgett.

As soon as I run inside, Stephan is waiting there for me.

“What's going on?” I'm frantic and out of breath. Maybe this is what it feels like to go into shock.

Stephan pulls me into a hug. “Everything is going to be fine, Scar. Just breathe.”

I try, but my breath is coming too fast.

“Bridgett is going to be ok,” Stephan says firmly.

I pull back away from him. “Did the doctor say that?”

“They are in surgery right now, but I know everything is going to be all right.”

“Surgery?” I panic when I hear the word again. “What happened?”

He sighs. “Ok, so I hung out with Bridgett like you asked me to. We were swimming, and Bridgett went inside to get us something to drink, and I heard a loud crash. So, I went inside, and Bridgett was having a seizure. I called 911, and we came here. They said something about her going into cardiac arrest, and they rushed her away to surgery. They've been back there for about two hours now.”

“Cardiac arrest... That is like a huge deal, Stephan.” Panicking, I run my fingers through my hair, and pace back and forth. “I have to call her parents.”

“I will,” he says.

I give him my phone while he calls them, and I pace back and forth in the waiting room. I can't sit down. I'm far too anxious.

She can't die. She can't. I just found her.

“I feel so helpless,” I tell Stephan as he get's off the phone. “What am I supposed to do? I can't just wait here.”

“You could pray,” he suggests. “There is a chapel on the third floor.”

I am so shocked by his suggestion that I almost laugh. “I haven't been to church since I was 12. I don't even know how to pray.”

“I'll go with you,” he says. “Praying is easy. You just talk to God, kind of like you're talking to me.”

“Does he... reply?”

Stephan laughs. “Come on.”

Stephan and I take the elevator to the third floor, and we go inside the chapel. It's empty. Stephan takes a seat towards the back, and I walk towards the front. I'm still unsure what to do.

“Hey, God,” I start out. “I'm not sure if you're there, or if you even want to listen to me. I kind of feel selfish for coming to you like this, I mean, considering I've never talked to you before. But I need your help.

“My sister, Bridgett, just recently came into my life. But she's sick, and I don't know if she's going to live.” Tears start running down my face as I say the words. “Please, don't let her die. I need her.”

I wait, and listen for a reply, but I don't hear anything. There is no lightning coming down, and I'm wondering if I did it right or not.

Stephan comes up behind me and puts his hand on my shoulder. “He heard you, Scar, don't worry. Bridgett is going to be fine.”

I nod, hoping that he is right.

5:38 pm

Out of surgery

A couple hours later, Bridgett finally comes out of surgery. Her doctor comes out to talk to Stephan and me. Bridgett's family had a long drive, so they still had a few hours before they would be here.

“Your sister is going to be all right,” is the first thing he tells me, and I sigh of relief. “But she has a long road of recovery ahead of her.”

I nod, letting happy tears run down my face. “What happened?”

“Her eating disorder caused her cardiac arrest,” he explains. “She is very lucky that she survived this. If she wasn't so young, and if her heart wasn't as strong as it was, she wouldn't have.”

I wiped away my tears. “But she stopped. We went and saw a therapist, and she hasn't made herself throw up in a week.”

“It doesn't matter,” he explains. “The damage was already done.”

“When can I see her?”

“You can see her now, but she is out of it.”

Stephan and I follow the doctor down a

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