Jaded (Rock Star Trilogy) - By Mercy Amare Page 0,54

I'm gone, will you stop by and check on Bridgett? She's been having a rough time, and I think having company may help her.”

“Sure,” he says, as he gently puts his lips to my neck, and begins kissing his way down.

“Stephan,” I giggle. “I'm totally serious, ok?”

He backs away, and sighs. “I said sure. I will babysit your sister tomorrow.”

“Thank you.” I pull him closer. “You can continue now.”

And so he does.

Saturday, October 3

11:06 am


Today is the day.

Today, I am seeing my sister for the first time in nine years.

I can't help but wonder what she looks like. Is she still the same carefree, beautiful girl she once was? I wonder if she still dyes her hair blonde, or if she has let it go back to her natural color of dark brown. She was always jealous of my long blonde locks. She said nature was nice to the wrong sister.

Looking back, I wonder if she knew I was adopted. I also wonder if she was adopted.

The questions run over and over again in my mind as I drive south. Stacy lives in a small town 30 miles south, and I am going to meet her at a small restaurant... Which makes me wonder, maybe she doesn't want me to know where she lives. The thought makes me sick to my stomach. Maybe she thinks of this as a one time meeting, which is what I don't want to happen.

What if she's only meeting me to tell me to get lost?

I quickly shake off the thought. If she really felt that way, she could have gave the message to Andrew, but she didn't. She is taking the time to actually sit down with me, and talk to me. The thought gives me hope.

After about 30 minutes in the car, I finally pull into the restaurant. When I park, I sit in my car, staring at the front door. I'm trying to get the nerve up to get out of my car. I reach for the door handle about 10 times before I finally pull it.

As I step out of my car, I take a deep breath. Butterflies are in my stomach, and my hands are shaking. But I'm surprised to find I'm actually excited.

I walk inside the restaurant, and walk up to the hostess.

“I'm meeting somebody here... Her name is Stacy,” I say. I'm not sure if her last name is still Ryan.

“Oh em gee!” The teenager girl in front of my squeals. “You're Scarlett Ryan!”

I roll my eyes. “Please, I just need my table.” I'm so not in the mood to put up with this right now. At this moment, more than ever, I wish I was NORMAL.

“Can I have your autograph?” She gasps. “We could take a picture together! Let me grab my phone!”

“Look,” I say firmly, “I just want a table. I'm not signing anything for you right now. I'm meeting somebody, and this is important.”

She ignores me. “Oh my god! Scarlett... Seriously, this is... You are... Augh! You're amazing!”

Finally, I see somebody in a suit come up behind her. “Rachel, I'll be taking over,” he says. “Your party is waiting for you in a private room.”

He ushers me to a private room in the back, which I am thankful for. I can't believe that Stacy actually knew that we would need a private room.

Well, of course she knows I'm a rock star. Everybody knows. But still, the fact that she actually took the time to get us a private room makes me happy.

As the door opens, the first thing I see the back of Stacy's head. Her hair is dark brown now, and all the blonde is gone. I always liked her natural color better. Her hair hangs just below her shoulders.

When she hears the door, she turns towards me. A shocked look covers her face, and she quickly gets up from the table.

“Scarlett...” Her voice breaks, and she pulls me in for a hug.

As she is holding me, I feel complete. My family feels whole. Finding Bridgett and being reunited with Stacy feels good.

No... It feels AMAZING.

We hold each other like this for a long time. Stacy is the one to step back, and she looks at me with tears in her eyes.

“You're all grown up.”

I smile. “So are you.”

Stacy looks the same, except older. She still has the same warm brown eyes, and the same smile. She also seems to still be soft hearted, which was always my favorite part of her. I'm relieved

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