Jaded (Rock Star Trilogy) - By Mercy Amare Page 0,53

wasn't my fault, but I can't help but feel partly responsible.

Friday afternoon, Bridgett and I go hang out at Stephan's house. Bridge is hanging out with Ethan, and Sarah. They are all cooking dinner. My sister actually likes to cook, which is something else we definitely do not have in common.

Stephan and I sneak off to his room.

“So you've never cooked before, ever?” he asks, as we walk into his room.

“I can honestly say that I haven't. Not even boiling water,” I admit. “However, I have microwaved food before.” Only a couple of times on the tour bus, but I don't tell him that.

“We are going to have to change that.”

“Totally,” I agree. “Maybe we can have a romantic dinner on Sunday? You can cook for me, while I watch of course.”

“Or we could cook together,” he suggests. “Of course, you'd have to promise to wear something sexy.”

“I could be naked,” I joke, pulling off my shirt. I have a tank top on underneath, but the look on Stephan's face is priceless.

He nods, approvingly. “I would be ok with you being nude. In fact, I would kind of enjoy it.”

I put my hands on my hips, and try to look shocked. “Stephan, are you trying to seduce me?”

“Maybe.” He smiles at me, and I feel my knees get weak. A smile should not do that. He pulls me into his arms, and gently puts his lips on mine. When our lips touch, I feel as though my heart completely stops, then it jumps into overdrive. I can never get enough of Stephan, never enough of this feeling...

I've never been in love and I'm not even sure what I'm feeling is love. I just know that I never want this feeling to go away. It's more than just lust, more than just like.

Stephan puts his hand on the small of my back, and gently pulls me closer to him until every inch of our body is touching. With his other hand, he's holding the back of my neck.

I want so much more than to just kiss him. I want nothing more than for him to throw me down on his bed, and have his way with me. I want him to devour every inch of my body, but he doesn't. I realize the fact that he keeps his hands at a safe spot and the fact that he hasn't tried to have sex with me is the reason why I am falling for him.

Yes, I know... After one month of knowing Stephan, I admit that I am falling for him. Maybe it's too fast, but I don't care. I can't help how I'm feeling. I know Stephan better than I've known anybody, and he knows me. I've told him all my dark, and dirty secrets – and he still is crazy about me.

A sudden knock on the door makes us step away from each other quickly. Ethan sticks his head through the crack, and he looks at us with amusement.

“Dinner is almost ready,” he says, then leaves.

I let out the breath that I realize I had been holding. “Wow.” I don't mean to say it, it just comes out of my mouth.

“Yeah, wow,” Stephan agrees. He walks back over to me, and puts his arms around me. “You know that I'm crazy about you, right?”

I nod. “The feeling is very mutual.”

“I know.” He kisses my forehead, then grabs my hand, pulling me behind him.

9:37 pm


“So, tomorrow is the big day,” Stephan reminds me.

After dinner, we went back to my house. Bridgett is in her room, and me and Stephan are swimming in the pool. Well, we are doing more making out than actual 'swimming.'

“It is,” I sigh. I really don't want to talk. I'd rather make out with Stephan, and forget all about tomorrow.

“Are you nervous?” he asks.

“Yes.” I nod. “More nervous than I have ever been in my whole entire life. Even more than my first sold out concert, more than performing at the Grammy Awards, more than my first TV interview...”

“That bad?” He kisses the end of my nose. “No matter how it goes, you need this Scarlett.”

“I know,” I agree. “But let's talk about something else, please. I just need to clear my mind.”

“What do you want to talk about?” he says, scooting closer. I almost lose my train of thought when his finger traces my collarbone, but I push his hand back.

“Wait, don't distract me. I need you to do me a favor,” I say. “Tomorrow, while

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