Jaded (Rock Star Trilogy) - By Mercy Amare Page 0,45

it,” I counter. “Besides, you have no choice. You have to try it.”

“Fine,” she says in defeat.

I smile. “You will love it, I promise. It's even low in calories.”

I order all my favorite rolls – California, tuna, and salmon. I like to venture out, and try new things, but once I ordered squid and couldn't eat it. I just looked at it, thinking of Squidward. So, when it comes to sushi, I stick to the basics.

Stephan comes to the table, with a smile on his face. “It won't be too much longer.” He then explains what is wrong with his car, which I tune out. I love cars, don't get me wrong, but I definitely know nothing about repairs.

Alec and Stephan go back and forth talking about cars, so I talk to Bridgett.

“How are you feeling?” I ask her. “Have you gotten sick anymore?”

“No,” she shakes her head. “Maybe I was allergic to something that I ate this morning.”

“Does that happen a lot?”

“No. It was just a fluke thing...”

The conversation is making her nervous. But why is she nervous? “Ok, well, I'm glad you're better,” I say, dropping the topic. I am just being paranoid for no reason, I decide.

The waitress brings out our sushi and I watch Bridgett pick up her fork.

I laugh. “You can't eat sushi with a fork.” I pick up my chopsticks, and show her how to hold them. Then I mix the wasabi and soy sauce. “Wasabi is really strong, so you just want to barely dip it.” I dip the bottom of the sushi in, pull it out, and eat it.

“Ok,” she tries to mimic what I did, but ends up dropping her piece in the wasabi.

“You know, sushi is good without wasabi,” I say, moving the sauce aside.

She tries again to pick up a piece of sushi, and end up dropping it back onto her plate. She picks up the fallen piece with her fingers, and puts it in her mouth. I watch, waiting for her reaction.


“Wow. I can't believe I've been missing out on such an amazing food my whole life!” She reaches for another piece.

“I told you!”

6:52 pm

Fucking fantastic!

It's almost six before we get on the road. I drive my car with Bridgett back, and Alec rides with Stephan... They both mention something about too much girly time?

I sip on my Red Bull, and Bridgett looks at me with disgust.

“How can you drink that nasty crap?”

I take another drink. “Augh... Amazing!” I laugh. “Seriously, Red Bull has got me through so many performances. I don't know what I would do without it.”

“It's so bad for you!”

“Actually, it has less caffeine than a cup of coffee,” I counter. “Its packed full of vitamin B12, and it stimulates your metabolism!”

She rolls her eyes. “Ok, I believe the first part, but I don't believe the metabolism part.”

“It says so right here on the can!” I point to it. “You should research your facts next time. Seriously, Bridge, I thought you had all the brains.”

“Ha, ha,” she replies, unamused. “Obviously I'm not as smart as you. You're a millionaire at age 19. I'm just a college dropout with no job, no boyfriend, no car and no money.”

“You're not a college dropout! You're simply taking a break.” I smile. “If you want, after I graduate, I will even go to college with you!”

“Yeah, right,” she says. “You don't need college, Scar. You're awesome without it.”

“But I would do it, for you.”

“I am so sick of people doing things for me!” she screams. “Why does everybody think that I'm so vulnerable? I'm not a child!”

“That's not what I meant....” I pause, glancing at her, then back at the road. “Are you ok?”

“Yes! I am fucking fantastic!”

I take a deep breath, trying to figure out what to say. I decide to go with an apology. “I'm sorry. You're right, you don't need me, but maybe I need you.”

“You don't need me.” She crosses her arms over her chest.

“Yes I do, Bridgett. Before you, my life was a mess. I came to Hope because I had none. And then I met Stephan, and now you...” I shake my head. “I've been missing friends, family... love. Sure, I had everything I ever wanted. Money, cars, houses, clothes, drugs, but none of that made me feel anything. I was so empty. But I'm not anymore! My life is worth living now! So, you may not need me, but I do need you.”

Bridgett doesn't say anything for a minute, but the silence

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