Jaded (Rock Star Trilogy) - By Mercy Amare Page 0,44

and Bridgett walks out of the stall. She looks very white.

“Oh my god, are you ok?” I ask, putting my hand to her forehead. She doesn't feel warm.

“Yeah, I'm fine,” she quickly replies. “I felt a little sick to my stomach, but I'm feeling better now.”

When Bridgett talks, she doesn't look me in the eyes, so I know that she's lying. But why would she lie about being sick?

“Ok, well, let me know if you feel sick again.” I really wasn't sure what else to say, I just know that I'm going to keep a close eye on her for the rest of the day.

10:43 am

Two point five kids.

After eating, we hit the mall. It's been almost a month since I went shopping, and I am in desperate need of retail therapy. Alec is really excited, despite his earlier reaction. Bridgett and him go off on their own, which I worry about. I really wanted to spend the day with her, so I could watch her. But I was also glad. Stephan and I needed some alone time.

Stephan holds my hand as we walk through the mall, and it feels right. Touching him, and being close is something that I crave.

“So, there is something that I need to tell you,” I tell him, once again thinking about the email I got from Andrew Davis.

“What is it?” His voice is full of concern.

I hesitate, hoping he doesn't think I'm crazy for wanting to find Stacy. “Do you remember me telling you about my older sister Stacy? The one who ran away...”

He nods.

“Well, I hired a private investigator to find her, which is how I found Bridgett,” I fidget with my fingers as I tell him. “I was going to tell him to stop looking for Stacy. I figured if she wanted to find me, she would. Then yesterday, I got an email from my PI... He found her.”

“That's great, Scar.”

I shake my head. “I'm not so sure, actually.”

“Why not? You're finding your sister after 9 years.”

“She's known where I have been my whole life. She's seen me on TV. But not once has she tried to contact me.” Angry tears threaten to escape my eyes. “I'm not sure I want to see her anymore.”

He stops suddenly, and turns me so I'm looking straight at him. “You owe it to yourself to go see her, and at the very least get some closure.”

He's right, and I know that. “I know.” Despite how angry I am at her, I began to really wonder about Stacy. “Do you think she has kids? Maybe I'm an aunt.”

“How old is she now?”

“She is 26. I hope she's had a happy life. Maybe she is married with two point five kids, living in the suburbs somewhere with a nice house, and a super awesome SUV that she hauls her kids to soccer practice in.”

Stephan laughs. “You've really thought about this, haven't you?”

I nod. “Yes, I have. I also wonder how I will be at 26. I'm not going to be a rock star forever.”

“26 is still very young. You will be the perfect age to play a teenager is some TV drama,” he jokes. “You could be the new Gossip Girl.”

“You know that gossip girl was a guy, right? But I like your way of thinking. Maybe my sister isn't married, and doesn't have kids. Maybe she's a successful business woman,” I smile at the thought. “Rich all on her own. I like it.”

“See, this is why you have to go see her. You need to know if she's doing alright.”

I nod, because I know that what he's saying is true. I have wondered about Stacy my whole life, and I need to see with my own eyes that she is alright. I need to hug her. But most of all, I need to know why she left. I've spent nine years blaming myself, and I owe it to myself to know the truth so I can move on.

“When Andrew calls me, I will go,” I decide.


“Yep, and now I need to get your opinion on some shoes,” I say, dragging him into the shoes store. I hear him groan behind me, and can't help but smile.

1:32 pm

You can't eat sushi with a fork.

For lunch, we go to a nice Japanese restaurant. Bridgett reveals to me that she's never had sushi before, so I insist that she try it.

“I don't know how I feel about raw fish,” she reasons with me.

“Not all sushi has raw fish in

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