Jaded (Rock Star Trilogy) - By Mercy Amare Page 0,42

finger. I can't stand to not be moving right now.

The race starts and it's only a few seconds before the cars are completely out of sight. Even though I can't see where they are, I can't help but watch the road for their return.

I hear Bridgett and Alec behind me, they're arguing about something, but I can't bring myself to listen. I'm wondering why they've been gone so long. Shouldn't they be back now? It feels like they've been gone forever.

Suddenly, I hear tires squalling, and I watch 3 of the 5 cars all racing ahead towards the finish. The guy beside Stephan tries to push him off the road, but Stephan pulls ahead, causing the other guy to run off the road. His car rolls over a few times, and I cringe.

I hope he's ok.

Stephan is neck and neck with the other car, but as they pass the finish line, Stephan is ahead literally by inches. I breathe a sigh of relief when Stephan's car comes to a safe stop. I run over to him and throw my arms around him. He hugs me back.

“I was so worried about you.” I pull back from his embrace, and notice the other two cars still haven't came yet. “Where are the others?”

“They crashed,” he answers, nonchalantly. “The first one went out before we were a minute into the race. The other guy crashed around the last curve. But hey, I'm going to grab my money, then we need to go. That other guy didn't look so good. We need to clear out before the cops and ambulances arrive. Tell Bridgett and Alec to meet us at the gas station we stopped at earlier.”

I run to them, and tell them what Stephan said, and within minutes, we are on the road. As we are clearing out, I hear sirens. I sigh in relief.

“Are you always so lucky? Missing cops, avoiding car accidents...”

“I'm good,” he sounds a little conceited. “And I've never got caught.”

“Lucky you,” I say.

“Speaking of luck, I won... Does that mean you'll stay in my room tonight?”

“And leave Bridgett all alone?”

“She won't be alone. She will have Alec,” he smiles. “I know you've seen the way he looks at her. It's kind of sickening, actually.”

I can't help but laugh. “You look at me the same way... Which is exactly why I'm not leaving her alone with him.”

“Yeah, I guess I kind of like you... A little,” he shrugs, but I know he's just messing with me.

“I think you like me a lot.”

“Well, I think the feeling is mutual.”

I can't help but smile. “You are correct.”

1:03 am

This is boring.

We get two rooms, one for the girls, and one for the boys. Stephan wasn't too pleased about it, but I told him I was not leaving my sister alone with Alec Torch all night. He may be my best friend, but I don't trust him with my very untouched sister.

We aren't tired yet, so Alec and Stephan hang out with Bridge and me in our room.

“I'm starving,” Stephan complains.

“We just ate! At like, nine...” I laugh at him.

“Exactly. Four hours ago. I need substance.” He grabs the phone book. “Who wants pizza?”

Alec and Stephan are both hungry, so they order a pizza. I envy their metabolism.

“I'm going to go pick it up,” Stephan says, grabbing his keys.

“Why not have it delivered?” I wonder.

“My car was making a funny noise. I wanted to check it out before tomorrow,” he explains. “I want to make sure it'll be alright on the drive home.”

“Want me to go with you?” I ask.

“No, it's ok. You can just hang out here. It'll only take me a couple minutes.” He walks out the door, and I go sit on the edge of the bed. Bridgett is laying back on the other bed, switching through channels on the TV, and Alec is messing with his phone.

“The races were fun,” I comment, trying to start a conversation. All I got was a half nod from Bridgett, and no response from Alec... I'm so glad that this trip is bringing us together.

Well, this is boring.

I pull out my iPhone, and check out my emails. I have one from my dad, telling me about a movie premier I was invited to. He doesn't tell me he misses me, and it's very professional. I delete it without a response.

I have another email, it's from Andrew Davis. I still haven't told him to call off the search for Stacy. I made a mental note

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