Jaded (Rock Star Trilogy) - By Mercy Amare Page 0,41

now, Scar? You're so young. Certainly you aren't quitting the music industry.”

“I'm not completely sure,” I answer truthfully. “I haven't been happy with my music for a while now. I'd like to finish my senior year, get a new manager, a new producer, and do what I want to do. I'd like to get away from the pop scene, and maybe do a more alternative, punk sound.”

“Like your older stuff.”


“What about you, Bridgett? What are your plans for the future?” Alec asks her.

“I am still undecided about my future,” she answers with a shrug. “I recently dropped out of college, and right now, I'm just trying to figure it out.”

“You have plenty of time to figure it out.” Alec turns his head towards Stephan. “What about you? You have college plans?”

“Definitely no plans for college...” he clears his throat. “I have no idea what I want. I really enjoy racing, but that's not really a profession.”

“Of course it is! Nascar,” Alec counters.

“Nascar really isn't my scene. Plus, I'm not sure if this is what I want forever. It's good for the right now. I guess when the time comes, I'll figure it out. I just want to be happy.”

“Cheers to that,” I agree, holding up my cup.

11:55 pm

I know that look!

Stephan is paying his way in, and listening to the rules. Bridgett, Alec, and I are all standing by my Mercedes, trying not to draw attention to ourselves. We all even bought baseball caps from the gas station.

“The girls here are skanky,” Bridgett crinkles her nose, as a girl walks by. Her shorts are so short that her butt cheeks are hanging out the bottom.

“I've seen worse,” Alec counters with a shrug like it's no big deal. Of course to Bridgett, it is.

“Oh, come on,” Bridgett crosses her arms over her chest. “You can't tell me you're actually enjoying this...”

“Trust me, I have better taste than this. I like girls with class.”

And that is why I love Alec. He's not just an arrogant rock star that sleeps with every girl he can. He appreciates girls. And sure, he may be a man whore, but at least he's not a jerk about it.

“So, tell me Alec, how many girls have you been with?” Bridgett asks boldly, and I choke on the air.

“Oh my god, Bridge!”

She shrugs. “What? I'm curious!”

“You can't randomly ask somebody how many people they've fucked. Way too personal.”

“It's ok,” Alec tells us. “I haven't been with that many women, honestly. I've turned down a lot more girls than I've said yes to.”

“In other words, he's lost count,” I nudge him gently with my elbow.

“Ha, ha,” he glares at me. “How many guys have you been with, Scarlett?”


“You're practically a virgin!” Alec laughs, putting his arm around me jokingly. “My sweet, innocent Scarlett.”

I roll my eyes at him. “I am not sweet, or innocent. Though, I wish I was.”

“What about you Bridgett?” Alec turns to subject to her. After all, she is the one who started the conversation.

I look at Bridgett, who is now blushing. “I'm waiting for Prince Charming.”

“WHAT?” Alec's eyes are huge, as he looks at her. “No way!”

“It's not a big deal,” she defends herself. “I just want my first time to be special.”

“That's really sweet.”

Whoa, did the word “sweet” just come out of Alec Torch's mouth? This has got to be a first.

I look at Alec, who is looking at Bridgett, and suddenly realization hits me... I know that look! That is the look Stephan gives me.

Oh my god! Alec is totally crushing on Bridgett!

“What did I miss?” Stephan asks, coming up behind me.

“Nothing,” we all say in unison.

“Ok...” he looks at us all with a curious look. “The race is about to start. If you guys hear sirens, just take off, don't worry about me. If you happen to get pulled over, you know nothing. Use your celeb status to your advantage. This is a lot bigger than it is in Hope.”

“Good luck,” Alec says.

I walk with Stephan to his car. I can't help but feel worried. I've seen him race before, but like he said, this is a bigger deal. He pulls me close to me, and I rest my head on the chest.

“Be careful.”

“I will,” he promises.

I pull away, and he kisses me gently on the lips. A few seconds later, he's in his car, and pulling up to the starting line. I sigh, and walk back over where Bridgett and Alec are standing.

I'm nervous, so I twirl my hair with my

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