Jaded (Rock Star Trilogy) - By Mercy Amare Page 0,40


I narrow my eyes at him. “Do I need to remind you that you are the one who ruined it? If you wouldn't have been there, things would have been fine.”

He laughs. “Maybe. But you invited me, and practically forced me to go. Therefore, you are the guilty party.”

“Now we are definitely not staying in the same room,” I joke.

“Yeah, because if we did, I might see you naked. And I can't ever see you naked. Remember?”

“How could I forget? But I don't have to be naked for us to have sex.” I pull up my already short skirt, showing him more leg. “My skirt makes it easy for us...”

He's watching me, and not the road. When I look up, we are driving on the shoulder of the road.

“Maybe I should drive.”

He swerves the car back into the correct lane, and grips the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles are turning white. “Next time we go on a road trip, you're wearing jeans. Your legs are too damn distracting.”

My phone vibrates, and I laugh at the text from Bridgett.

Stop distracting the driver! - B

I quickly reply.

What can I say? We have good genes ;) - S

“So, the races tonight, what do you have to pay to get in?” I ask, curiously.

“The race that I am in, you have to pay five thousand to race. There are five cars competing. If I win, I can get up to 30 thousand dollars,” he smirks.

“Can I bet on the race?” I ask. I'm not much of a gambler, but it sounds fun.

“Yeah,” he nods. “Thinking of betting against me?”

“No way!” I say quickly. “I will always bet for you.”

“And that is why I like you so much.”

“Awe, Stephan Montgomery likes me. I must be special.”

He winks at me. “More special than you know.”

9:45 pm

Good times.

The drive flies by, and before I know it, we are in Miami. We all decide to eat Chinese food, and pull into the first place we see. It's small, but in my experience, the hole in the wall restaurants are usually the best kind.

“Table for four, please,” Stephan tells the hostess. She still has yet to move. She's standing there, staring at Alec, Bridgett, and me.

“Oh my god...”

I roll my eyes. “Yes, I'm Scarlett Ryan. This is my sister Bridgett, and this is Alec Torch. I get you're probably not used to seeing celebrities, but please, can we have a table?”

“Ri... Right away, Miss Ryan,” she finally says.

We follow her to a table. I sit beside Stephan, and Bridgett and Alec sits across from us.

Stephan leans over, and whispers in my ear. “That was so hot.”


“You, taking charge. I kind of wonder if you'd be like that...”

Bridgett cuts him off. “Ewe. I do NOT want to hear about my sister's sex life.”

I laugh. “Trust me, there is no sex life to hear about.”

The waitress is an older Chinese lady, and thankfully she doesn't recognize us. She takes our drinks order, and quickly leaves to fill them.

“Do people often mistake you for me?” I asked Bridgett.

She shrugs. “It actually hasn't been that bad. People in my community and school knew me growing up, so they didn't really question. I've had a few incidents like at the mall... And when I first went to college it was pretty bad... But once people learn I'm not you, they usually leave me alone.”

“Life would be boring without mobs of fans, and paparazzi,” Alec adds. “Seriously, I couldn't imagine ever living normal.”

“That's because your dad is a rock legend. You grew up with this. I lived a semi-normal life until I was 15, and even then, it was a year before it got completely crazy.”

“After you won that MTV Award. I remember. I taught you how to ditch the paparazzi,” Alec smiles. “Good times.”

“That was not good times!” I can't help but laugh. I turn to Bridgett and Stephan. “I had just turned 16 years old. I was not a good driver, I was in LA, and I was trying to get rid of the paparazzi. It was a nightmare. I nearly ran over somebody trying to ditch them.”

“Oh, right!” Alec remembers. “They came up with some outrageous story about you being drunk! You got so much publicity! The next day, your song hit number one. It was crazy.”

“I totally forgot about that.” I shake my head. “That was pretty awesome.”

The waitress finally brings us our drinks, and takes our orders. Once she leaves, Alec turns to me. “What are your plans

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