Jaded (Rock Star Trilogy) - By Mercy Amare Page 0,39

knows it, but I can't help but feel bad. Maybe if I was a better son, it wouldn't have happened...”

I stop him. “Do you remember what I told you about my sister Stacy? And how she ran away from home?”

He nods.

“I know that it's not my fault she ran away, but still, I've been carrying this guilt around for nine years, Stephan. You have to let it go. I have to let it go.” My heart feels lighter as I say the words. “I hate her for leaving me. She was selfish for what she did.”

“She was selfish, Scar. You were 10 years old, and she just left you. What kind of sister does that?”

“Just like your dad was selfish.”

He nods. “I know. I just.. need time.”

I know exactly what he means. “I'm here for you, when you need to talk. Just don't carry it around for nine years like I have.”

“I won't,” he promises. “Thanks for the heart to heart.”

I know what I need to do now. I have to stop looking for Stacy. She knows where I am. And if she wants to see me, she will.

“Do you want to meet my best friend forever?” I ask him, wanting to talk about something lighter. I'm not going to let anything ruin my weekend with Alec.

He smiles. “I saw a glimpse of the car outside. Can we go check it out?”

“Car later. Right now, you need to meet Alec. Plus I left Bridgett alone with him, and she was a little starstruck.”

When we get back outside, Alec and Bridgett are chatting like old friends. Well, Bridgett may be drooling a little, but who could blame her. If Alec wasn't like my big brother, I'd probably have a crush on him too.

“So are they coming with us to Miami?” Stephan asks me.

“Miami?” I question, but then remember. “Oh! The races! I completely forgot!”

“Races?” Alec's interest is piqued.

“Stephan races,” I tell him. “And by race, I mean he is into street racing.”

“Isn't that illegal?” Bridgett asks.

“Yes!” Alec almost sounds angry, but then he smiles. “I love to watch street racing. I got into it a little bit before my music took off. It's a lot of fun. I haven't seen a race in... forever.”

“So, who is up for a road trip?” I ask.

5:12 pm

Too damn distracting.

An hour later, we are on the road. Alec and Bridgett ride behind us in my Mercedes, and I ride with Stephan. I almost felt bad about leaving them to ride alone, but I have to admit, they both looked pretty excited about the prospect of being together.

“How long is the drive?” I ask Stephan.

“It's about four hours,” he says. “So, we should be down there around 9:30. We can all just hang out, maybe grab a bite to eat before. The races start around 1am. I usually get a text about 20 minutes before letting me know the location.”

“So, it is in a different location every week?”

He nods. “Miami is a lot bigger than Hope. They let us know where so we have just enough time to get there. They don't want the word to get out.”

“So what about after the race? Do we just... go home?”

“Normally, I drive home. I usually get back around six in the morning.”

“Is it safe to drive so late? Maybe we should just stay in Miami tonight. Then we can hang out here tomorrow, do something fun, and then go home.”

“Is this your excuse to get me alone in a hotel room?”

I knew that was coming. “Ha, ha. No. You can stay with Alec, and I will stay with Bridgett.”

He fake pouts. “That doesn't sound as fun.”

I just laugh, and change the subject. “Did Ethan not want to come with us?”

“He never comes to my races.”

“Did you ask him to come?”

“No,” he snorts. “Definitely not.”

“Stephan! How could you leave him out?”

He shrugs. “I think he had a date tonight, so chill. He wouldn't have came if I asked him anyway. We are stepbrothers, and we're definitely not friends.”

“You should be friends, because Ethan is awesome. But seriously, he has a date? With Mona?” Now I'm excited.

“Yeah... Well, sort of. It's like this big group thing. They are having a party or something. I think she invited him to be nice, but I think he thinks it's a date.”

“That's great. Why didn't he tell me?”

“No offense, but maybe he didn't want you to ruin it for him.” Stephan shakes his head at me. “I mean, you almost ruined the last

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