Jaded (Rock Star Trilogy) - By Mercy Amare Page 0,37

my father. He was a good guy. He just made mistakes.” He then looks at me. “My father was in love with two women, my mother, and Mona's mother. He didn't want to choose between the two, so he didn't.

“My father married my mom, but he saw Mona's mom on the side their entire marriage. Mona's mom married somebody else too, but that didn't stop the affair. One night while they were... together... my father had a car accident. They had both been drinking a little too much, and he drove off Hope Creek Bridge, killing them both instantly.

“Mona blames my father, therefore, she blames and hates me. And trust me, I hated my dad for a little bit after I found out what he did. My mom was devastated. Not only did she have to deal with the pain of his death, but also the fact that he cheated on her for nearly 19 years. But my father was a good man.”

I am trying to process everything he said. “So, Mona is your half sister?”

He shakes his head quickly, and almost looks annoyed. “No. Mona's mom had a husband. He is her father.”

“Are you sure?” I ask, though I'm not sure why.

“Yes, Scarlett, I would know if Mona was my half sister.”

Stephan is angry, and I know I shouldn't push it, but I can't seem to help myself. “Was there a DNA test done? If her mom was sleeping with her husband and your dad at the same time, there is a possibility you two could be related.”

He slaps his hand down on the table. “Dammit, can't you just drop it! It's too late now anyway!”

I jump from the noise. The coffee house is empty, but the people behind the counter are staring at us now.

“I'm sorry,” I say so softly that I am almost whispering. “I just thought you would want to know if she was your half sister.”

He narrows his eyes. “Just because you found your long lost twin sister doesn't mean I want the same thing. Especially not Mona.” He gets up from the booth. “Can we just go home? I am done talking about this tonight.”

Friday, September 18

3:05 pm

I love you... I mean... your music...

Stephan ignored me all week long. Actually, he ignored everybody. I knew that I shouldn't have pushed him so hard about Mona, and I was feeling bad about it. Maybe he was right, maybe I was trying to overcompensate for the lost time with Bridgett. Stephan and Mona look nothing and act nothing alike. They've known each other their whole life. Certainly if they were brother and sister, they would know. Besides, even if they were, it wouldn't be any of my business.

During Stephan's absence, Bridgett and I got some much needed sister time. We spent lots of time swimming, watching chick flicks, and just talking about the last 19 years. We also had plans for shopping the following weekend.

Ethan came over and helped me study on Tuesday, and Thursday. Thanks to him, algebra was making a little bit more sense. He told me how moody Stephan had been since Monday night, which I apologized for. It was my fault he was in a pissy mood. But, on the plus side, Bridgett and Ethan seemed to enjoy the party after we left. Nobody even noticed that Bridgett wasn't me.

Mona, and the the other “populars” haven't talked to me anymore, which is almost a relief. I'm glad they haven't invited me to their table anymore. But they do seem nicer to Ethan... Nicer, as in they don't turn their heads in the hallway when he walks by. I even saw one girl smile at him.

Unfortunately, they are being really mean to Stephan. Somebody even spray painted “SCUM” across his locker. If I would have just stayed out of it, he would just be ignored, as usual. Now, people are bullying him. He puts on a strong front, but I can tell it's getting to him. It hurts to know that I am the cause of that.

I really need to learn how to mind my own business.

Andrew hasn't contacted me anymore. I know he is looking for Stacy, as well as my birth parents, and it makes me anxious.

Surprisingly, the media hasn't found out about Bridgett. Since I left the party early, everybody thought she was me, and we haven't been seen together in public since then. I think we both decided it may be best to wait, and give her time to

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