Jaded (Rock Star Trilogy) - By Mercy Amare Page 0,36

that it was all her fault. I was the one who took the drugs. I gave into temptation. I would never forgive myself for it.

Thankfully, I realized what I was doing before I got addicted. After my scare in July, I stopped hanging out with Lily. Tonight is the first party I've been to since then, and I can't help but feel nervous... Not just about introducing Bridgett to the world, but about being around this scene. I can't imagine ever doing drugs again, but like they say, old habits die hard.

I hear my song come over the speakers, and I can't help but smile.

“Does that ever get old?” Bridgett asks me.

“Never,” I reply. It's absolutely the truth.

“Scarlett!” I hear somebody yell. I look over to see Ginny and Britney running over towards us. I suddenly wish that I had time to run and hide, because the more time I'm around the two of them, the more I find them annoying. I really don't want them to be the first of my girl friends that I introduce to Bridgett. Not that I have girl friends.

“I apologize in advance for them,” I whisper to Bridgett, and then turn to Ginny and Britney. “Hey!” I'm pretty good at faking enthusiasm. I have to be, considering I perform 200 or more shows a year, whether I feel like it or not.

“Whoa! I think I've had too much to drink,” Ginny slirs, looking between Bridgett and me.

I smile. “You're not seeing double, I swear. This is my twin sister, Bridgett.”

Stephan walks up behind me and puts his arms around my midsection. “I'm stealing my girlfriend,” he tells them. I follow him.

“Is it safe to leave Bridgett with them?” I ask.

“She will be fine,” he promises.

“Wait...” I stop, as realization of what he just said hit me. “Your girlfriend?”

He smiles, and even in the dark, it's breathtaking. “Um, well... If you want to be... I'd like for you to be...” Stephan is usually so confident, it's kind of fun to watch him sweat.

“What happened to taking it slow?” I ask, wanting to tease him for a little longer.

“Just because you're my girlfriend doesn't mean we can't take it slow.” He pulls me closer to him, obviously feeling more confident. “We can go as slow as you want.”

“I would like to be your girlfriend.” My heart speeds up as I say the word girlfriend.


He smiles.

“Can I see your phone?” I ask.

“Why?” He questions, but hands me his phone.

I save my phone number into his phone, and set one of my songs as the ring tone. “You have to have your girlfriend's phone number.”

He looks shocked. “Wow. Scarlett Ryan trusts me enough to give me her phone number? This is huge!”

“Don't let it go to your head.”

“Scarlett!” I hear somebody else yell at me. Stephan and I both turn to see Mona running up to us. She looks furious. “What the hell is he doing here?”

“HE is with ME.”

“He is not invited, and he needs to get out of here NOW!” She's screaming, and I can see her whole body shaking.

“Why?” I push. “What did he do to you?”

“His father killed my mom!” She begins sobbing, and a crowd is starting to form around us. “Are you happy? Now you know.”

For a moment, I'm stunned. “Wh... Wha... What?” Nobody says anything, so I turn to Stephan. “Explain, now!”

“Not here,” he says.

“If you don't leave now, I will call the cops,” Mona promises.

Stephan looks both furious, and crushed. He is shaking, and it scares me to see him like this. I grab his arm, and pull him towards my car. “Come on.”

9:35 pm

Too late.

Stephan gets in the passenger side of my car, and I am about to get in the driver's side when I see Bridgett and Ethan coming.

“Can you take Bridgett home?” I ask Ethan. “He needs me right now.”

“Of course,” Ethan says.

“Take your time, Scar,” Bridgett tells me.

I get in the car and drive. I don't go in any particular direction, I just drive. Stephan and I sit in silence for about 30 minutes, before either of us say anything.

“Let's get coffee,” he finally says.

“Ok,” I say. I drive to the 24 hour coffee shop, and we go inside. Once we order, and sit down at a booth, I push him for answers. “Please, explain.”

He sighs, and looks a little sad. He's looking out the window as he talks. “Just... When I tell you this story, please don't think any less of

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