Jaded (Rock Star Trilogy) - By Mercy Amare Page 0,35

his hands off me,” I counter.

We take two cars to Mona's party because Stephan is convinced he's going to need to leave early. I drive my Lamborghini, with Bridgett, and Stephan rides with Ethan.

“This car is awesome,” Bridgett says, climbing inside. It's her first time riding in this car. “How did you find a black and pink Lamborghini?”

“My dad had it custom made for my nineteenth birthday.”

Her eyes get big. “I got a cake with the family, and a new dress for my nineteenth birthday. So unfair.”

“Did I mention he bought it for me with my money?”

“What! Your parents sound terrible!”

“They are.” She doesn't even know. I hadn't talked to my father since last Monday. He emails me daily, begging me to reconsider. But my mother, I haven't talked to since Christmas. She only talked to me then because I flew to the UK and forced her to have a Christmas dinner with me. Neither of them truly care about me. They tolerate me, and only because of my money. They hate me.

Ethan pulls out of his driveway and I follow closely behind him.

“Stephan's got it bad for you, huh?” Bridgett already knows me well. I love that she changed the subject from my parents to Stephan, because it is exactly what I need.

I can't help but smile at the mention of his name. “Yes, I believe he does.”

“What about you?”

“I like him a lot more than I should,” I admit.

“Has he asked you to commit?” she asks.

I shake my head. “Not yet.”

“He will be soon.” She is confident in her statement.

I suddenly remember our conversation in study hall, and can't help but be excited. “He did sort of hint at wanting to be in a relationship, but I barely know him. I mean, I have known him a total of seven days, Bridge. That's definitely not long enough to commit myself to him.”

“But what does your heart tell you?”

Ethan pulls over to the side of the road and I park behind him. I then turn to Bridgett. “My heart is screaming at me to take a chance and go for it. But my head is telling me to stop, because he's going to break my heart.”

“Heartbreak is a part of life. Take it from somebody who recently got her heart broken. But even though Martin was a total jerk, I wouldn't take back one day of it.” She smiles sadly at me. “Go for it, and stop listening to your head.”

She get's out of the car, and shuts the door. I sit there for a few seconds, contemplating what she just said. I know that she's right, but I still don't want to put my heart on the line. I've heard enough Taylor Swift songs to know that heartbreak sucks.

I hear a peck on the window, and jump. I look up at Stephan who is standing on the other side. I open my door, and he holds out his hand and helps me out.

“So, you are announcing to the world that you have a twin sister at a high school party?” Stephan asks.

“I hadn't really thought about it, but I guess I am.” I walk over to Bridgett and link my arm with hers. “Are you ready?”

She looks at me and smiles. “More than ready.”

8:12 pm

Are you happy now?

Bridgett and I link arms as we walk together towards the beach. Ethan and Stephan are walking behind us. Close to the water there is a huge bonfire, and over 100 kids are scattered up and down the beach. It's nothing like any party I've ever been to, but I think I actually like it better. It already feels more relaxed, and fun.

Most of the parties I went to in LA were at mansions. Different celebrities, or social elites would host, and I was always invited. Some of the parties were wilder than others. I went to a few of them, but they never held much interest for me. I would've rather spent my time playing music.

I became friends with Lily Vargo, a socialite. Her father was very rich. She wasn't a celebrity, but the paparazzi loved her. She was often in magazines, pictured alongside celebrities. She was all about power and status. Looking back, I wonder how we ever became friends. We had nothing in common. But she made parties fun for me, and she knew where all the great parties were. I've never considered myself easily influenced, but it was because of her that I got into drugs... Not

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