Jaded (Rock Star Trilogy) - By Mercy Amare Page 0,30

hotel. He too works a lot. But they always make time for family. I can't help but feel a little envious. My parents haven't spent time together in years, not even for the holidays.

You see, my parent's are technically still married, but they haven't been together in a long time. I know that they both see other people. It's strange, but it's my parents. I assume their divorce would be messy and neither of them wanted to deal with it.

“It's nice to meet you,” I say to her.

Her mom continues to stare at the two of us. “Twins?”

8:32 pm

19 years to make up for...

Bridgett's dad got home around seven, and we sat down and explained to them everything we knew. I told them about my Private Investigator finding her. They were both shocked at the news.

“The adoption agency never told us that Bridgett was a twin, only that she was abandoned at a hospital in Florida,” they explain.

“Florida?” I ask. “But I lived in Washington until I was 10.”

“Well, we moved to South Carolina shortly after adopting Bridgett,” Mary explains. “I just wish we would have known. We would have searched for you.”

“And all this time, she was literally right in front of us,” Bridgett laughs.

“Do you want to stay here with us for a while?” Rick asks.

I look at Bridgett, and she bites her lip. “Actually, I was going to stay with her in Florida for a little bit.”

“What about your future, Bridgett. You can't just drop out of school,” Mary insists. “No, I won't allow it.”

“I am not a child. I'm 19, and I am old enough to make my own decisions,” Bridgett says firmly. “I need this. Scarlett is my twin. We have 19 years to make up for. You can't expect me to go back there now! Besides, you know I was miserable at that school.”

“You can't quit school because of what Martin did to...”

“It's NOT because of him,” she cuts off her mom. “I need this for me. Besides, you can't stop me. I'm an adult.”

And now I'm curious what Martin did to her, but I won't ask her in front of her parents. Plus, at the moment, I'm excited that my sister is coming home with me. I just hate that she's fighting with her parents. They obviously care a lot about her.

Her parents both look at each other, and I can tell that they're going to cave.

“Ok,” they both agree. “It is your decision, and we won't stand in the way. Just promise you will come visit us some. And please, go back to school in January. College is important.”

“I promise!” I can tell she's just as excited as me. Maybe more so.

Sunday, September 13

9:30 am

This is just the beginning.

Saturday night, Bridgett and I stay up practically all night. She's deciding what she should and shouldn't bring with her. I assure her I have everything she needs and more at my home, so she packs a few clothes, some of her favorite books, pictures of her family, other memorabilia items, and about 20 journals.

“There is one for every year,” she explains, and my eyes grow wide.

There was one thing we had in common. I didn't keep a journal my whole life, but I did express myself through song... And, I couldn't wait to see what I would write about this experience.

After eating an early breakfast with her parents and little sister, I had a car come pick us up and drive us to the airport.

“I've never rode in an airplane before,” she admits, as we arrive at the airport.

“Well, your first time will be in class,” I say, smiling.

“First class?” Her eyes get big. “Isn't first class expensive?”

I laugh and shake my head. “Umm... I mean we are taking a private jet...”

“Wow.” Her eyes get big as the car drives us to the small plane that is waiting for us. “This is... incredible.”

“One of the many perks of being a rock star.”

The driver opens the door for us, and I get out. Bridgett has a gleam in her eyes and she climbs out.

“My life is never going to be the same, is it?” she asks, eying the jet.

I smile. “This is just the beginning. Welcome to the world of Scarlett Ryan.”

She follows me onto the plane and she takes the seat beside me. “I am kind of nervous about flying. I'm glad you're with me for this.”

I can't help but smile. I've known Bridgett less than 24 hours, and she already feels like

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