Jaded (Rock Star Trilogy) - By Mercy Amare Page 0,25

liking your music.”

I can't help but laugh. I really think I'm going to like Britney.

12:01 am

Hard to get.

Ginny and Brit walk me around, introducing me to people that they know... Which is practically everybody. They just call me Scarlett. A few people recognize me, but we all 3 deny and laugh about it. We say something like why would Scarlett Ryan be in Hope, Florida? People seem to buy this excuse.

All the girls hanging out are wearing provocative clothing. One girl is wearing a pair of short shorts and her thong is sticking out the top. Brit and Ginny make fun of her in secret, but I can't bring myself to laugh. If anything, I feel sorry for her.

A few guys try to stop us and get our phone numbers. Brit and Ginny readily gave out their numbers, which I later find out they are fake numbers. I can't help but laugh at the two of them.

“Why not just tell them you're not interested?” I ask.

They both burst out laughing, like the answer is completely obvious. Brit is the one who explains. “We never said we weren't interested. We just like to play hard to get.”

They both think it is clever, but I think it is kind of stupid. I keep my opinions to myself. Both Ginny and Britney seem to like getting attention from the guys. They don't care if it is good attention or bad attention. I don't understand it, but who am I to judge?

At one point in the night, I feel somebody grab my ass. I turn around and see a guy smiling at me. I quickly put my knee to his groin and smile as he doubles over in pain.

“Touch me again, and I will surgically remove your balls with a knife,” I tell the guy who has a mohawk and tattoos. Figures, typical bad boy.

“Bitch! You messed with the wrong guy!” He grabs my wrist hard, and pulls me toward him. As I get close to the guy, carefully take the heel of my shoe, and kick his shin as hard as I can. He falls over and I laugh. That is going to leave a bruise.

“No. You messed with the wrong girl. Fuck off you perv,” I say, using a fake sweet voice.

About that time, Stephan walks up behind me. “Hey, I'm about to race.” He looks down at the guy on the ground. “Is he bothering you?”

I smile. “Not anymore.”

Ginny, Brit, and I follow him over to his car. They stand a few feet away, waiting for me.

“So...” I hesitate, “are you sure I can't ride with you?” I give him my best pouty face. It always works with Alec, and I'm hoping it works with him.

“Scarlett, no.” He sighs. “I'm sorry. But I couldn't live with myself if I wrecked and you were with me.”

I feel the disappointment rush over me. I'm going to have to work on my sad face.

Stephan leans over and kisses my forehead. “Don't be sad.”

“I'm sure you'll find a way to make it up to me.” I bite my lip to keep from smiling.

A kiss on the forehead?


I don't think any guy has ever kissed me on the forehead, and I think I just swooned.

“That is hella distracting,” he says. “Now I can't stop thinking about your lips. I wonder how they taste.”

He leans closer, but I back away. “If you win, maybe you'll find out.”

Stephan laughs. “Tease.”

12:22 am

Best. Kiss. Ever.

It's not Zoe doing the flag here. There are actually two girls standing in the middle of the road. One of them is thong girl. The other girl is wearing a skirt equally as short, and a bikini top.


What sluts.

I feel bad for my thoughts. I have no right to judge them.

Each of the girls are holding flags. They are holding hands and count down together. They wave their flags down, and all four cars zoom past them. I'm watching Stephan as he takes off, but out of the corner of my eye I see both of the girls start to make out.

“It's amazing what some girls will do for attention,” I hear Ginny say.

“They aren't lesbians?” I ask.

Brit laughs. “No. Ella, the girl with the thong, told me she wasn't even bi-curious. She just likes sex a lot, and says she fucks guys in the back seat of their cars between races.”

“Ewe. That is disgusting.” Stephan's, and the other guys' cars are now out of eyesight. I nervously watch for their return.

“Tell me about it!”

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