Jaded (Rock Star Trilogy) - By Mercy Amare Page 0,23

me out to eat before the races. He says that this definitely counts as our first date (which means he can finally kiss me). I am definitely ok with that.

“You look beautiful,” Stephan tells me as I open the door.

Tonight, I am wearing a short white dress. It does look good. It hugs me in all the right places and it shows a lot of leg, which I know Stephan likes. I'm also wearing a pair of four inch, hot pink stilettos, so my butt looks awesome.

“Thanks,” I smile. He's wearing a pair of dark denim jeans. They're tight, just like I like them, and he's wearing a white, button up shirt, with a black dinner jacket. He's wearing his black Chuck Taylor's, which is what he always wears. “You look pretty hot yourself.”

We walk out to his car, and he opens the door for me to get in.

“You're spoiling me,” I tell him as I get inside.

“You deserve it, Scarlett,” he says, shutting the door.

As he walks around the car, I can't help but let out a little squeal.

I know I say 'wow' a lot, but WOW. I can't get over how extremely wonderful and perfect Stephan is! He is seriously raising the bar when it comes to guys I date. No guy will ever be able to measure up.

He gets in the car, and starts it up. He looks over and smiles. “Wow. I'm taking Scarlett Ryan on a date.”

I laugh. “If you're nice, maybe I'll let you take me on a second date.”

On the way to the restaurant, Stephan asks me a ton of questions. It is nice, somebody actually trying to get to know me, and not just dating me for the publicity.

“When is your birthday?” he asks.

“July 27.”


I nod. “Yep.”

He laughs. “Figures. It must why you're so stubborn.” He doesn't give me time to ask him a question before he starts asking me more questions. “Favorite band or singer?”

“That changes daily,” I answer. “Today it's Ke$ha, yesterday was Scissor Sisters, tomorrow who knows?”

“Ke$ha?” He crinkles his nose. “Have you ever met her?”

“Just in passing,” I say. “Music awards, and other red carpet events. She's kind of weird, but that is why I like her music. It's unique.”

“Well, I suppose I should be glad you didn't say Justin Bieber.”

“He's really talented,” I defend him. “I have a few of his songs on my iPod.”

Actually, I have them all, but I don't tell him that.

“Do you ever listen to me?” I ask him.

“I have your album, Jaded,” he admits. “But that's the only one.”

I smile. “That one is my favorite. It was the first CD I ever released.”

“How does it feel to have all your dreams come true?”

I think for a minute. “Well, at first, it is amazing. People paying money to see me perform, asking for my autograph, taking my picture... It feels surreal. But then people start telling you what to do, and you have an image to keep up.” I shake my head. “Then you realize, your dream... it's... not at all what you pictured. I get sick of people telling me that I'm too fat, too thin, or that my boobs aren't big enough... You know my record company won't even let me dye my hair. It's in my contact. I feel like I have no control over my life. THAT is why I'm taking a break.”

“I think your boobs are fine.”

I throw my head back and laugh. “Wow, out of all of that, that is all you got out of it?”

“What can I say? I'm a guy, and you do have nice boobs.”

“Tell me, how are you single? You should have all the girl's swooning,” I joke.

“You think I say this to all the girls?” He shakes his head. “No way, only you babe.”

“So, Stephan, tell me... What is your dream?”

“I don't know yet,” he answers. “I'll let you know when I figure it out.”


Isn't this... illegal?

After eating dinner, we head to the west side of town. It looks completely different from the east side. The houses are all older, and there is graffiti on the bridges. It doesn't at all look like the same town. I see a group of guys standing on the side of the road by the stop light and I reach up to lock my door. Stephan sees me and laughs.

“Just because this is the poor side of town doesn't mean it's dangerous. Not every poor person wants to rape you,” he says, clearly amused at my

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