Jaded (Rock Star Trilogy) - By Mercy Amare Page 0,21

love,” I joke.

He laughs. “And I definitely won't say the L word for a really long time.”

“Are you scared of love?”

“No,” he shakes his head. “I'm just realistic. I won't say it until I'm one hundred percent certain that it's true. I don't think the word should just be thrown around. It kind of means less if you do.”

“I've never been in love,” I admit.

“Me either.” He hesitates, then says, “Unless you count my car, and I'm definitely in love with my car.”

I laugh, thankful that the subject was lighter. “You have a serious problem.”

“You're telling me. There is this blonde rock star who won't leave me alone. Seriously. I think she's stalking me.”

“I can leave,” I say, getting up.

“NO!” He pulls me back down onto his bed. “I kind of like that you're always around.”

“You should! You invited me!”

He shakes his head. “No, my stepbrother did, and then my mom asked you to stay.”

“And what if they wouldn't have asked me to come over?” And I am officially one of those girls. You know, the kind who fishes for compliments.

He smiles. “Well, I guess I would just have to ask you myself.”

It took everything in me not to let out a girly squeal when he said that. Wow. Could Stephan Montgomery be anymore perfect?

Probably not.

7:00 pm

Dinner with the James's.

When I was invited to dinner, I expected take out – pizza, Chinese food, maybe even Indian food. What I did not expect is an actual home cooked meal. I don't think I've had one of those... ever.

Spread out across the table is true southern comfort food – fried chicken, mashed potatoes (or taters at Stephan's mom calls them), cornbread, and gravy. I'm also pretty sure there is nothing on this table that my nutritionist would approve of. I decide that this weekend, I'm getting a gym membership.

“Wow, Mrs. James, this looks amazing,” I compliment her, as she hands me a huge plate of food.

“Call me Sarah.” She winks.

Stephan's mom is cute. She looks like somebody you would see on The Real Housewives of New Jersey, but she has real southern charm. It was a weird combination. I could even hear a little bit of a southern accent, if I wasn't mistaken.

“Where are you from, Sarah?” I ask.

“I'm from Atlanta. I moved here when I married Stephan's father,” she answers proudly. “What about you darling? You always live in Los Angeles?”

I shake my head. “I'm actually from Seattle. I moved to California when I was 10. I think I like it here the best though. It's nice to get away from the big city.”

“What made you choose Hope?” she asks.

I feel my face grow warm. I chose it simply because of the name – Hope. I haven't had hope in a long time. But I'm certainly not going to say that to her.

“I threw a dart at a map,” I joke.

Everybody laughs and thankfully that is the end of that conversation.

I enjoy every moment of my dinner with Stephan's family. His step dad isn't there, but I figured he was working late. I couldn't remember the last time I ate dinner with my parents, and we never ate at home. My dad likes me to be seen in public as often as possible. He isn't happy unless I grace the cover of all the gossip magazines, and tabloids. Sometimes, I wonder what it would be like to have normal parents. But, that isn't going to happen.

After dinner, Stephan walks me home. He kisses me on my cheek. It is the best kiss I have ever received. And I actually go to bed at a decent time. I am very much looking forward to the next day.

Friday, September 11

7:00 am

Good Distractions.

I wake up with Friday by Rebecca Black stuck in my head. Seriously, it is the most annoying, yet oddly catchy song in the history of music.

I quickly get up, and get ready for the day. I'm excited because, today IS FRIDAY, which means the races are tonight. I'm more than excited about it. I have no idea what I'm going to wear, but I decide I will stress about that after school.

I ride with Stephan again, which is quickly becoming part of my normal routine.

“You look good,” he says, looking at my legs. Today, I'm wearing a short jean skirt.

“I'm up here.” I try to sound offended, but I'm mostly turned on. I like it when Stephan looks at me like that. I will wear short skirts everyday as long as

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