Jaded (Rock Star Trilogy) - By Mercy Amare Page 0,20

your own business.” His voice is cold, and very unlike him. “Seriously, don't act like you know anything.”

“I'm not,” I defend myself. “Seriously, get a grip, Ethan. The girl sent her clone to tell me that as long as you were with me, I wasn't welcome at her table. Do you really want to be with a girl like that?”

He doesn't answer.

I get up and gather my things. I'm so furious that my hand is shaking. I'm about to open the door, but Ethan stops me.

“I'm sorry, Scarlett. It's just really complicated, but it's not my story to tell.”

“Stephan?” I ask.

“Yeah,” he says in a whisper. “But, don't ask him yet. Let him tell you when he's ready.”

I nod my head, but don't say a word. Honestly, I think I may be scared to. I walk out of his room.

4:40 pm

The 'L' word.

I walk down the hallway and eventually I find Stephan sitting in his room. He's listening to music, but he has his headphones on so I can't tell what is playing. I sit beside him on the bed, and he looks up at me smiling.

“Hey,” he says, pulling off his headphones.

“Hey,” I repeat. I look around his messy room. It's exactly how I pictured it would be. Posters of classic cars are hanging on the wall, his bed is black, and clothes are spread out across the floor. “No poster of me?” I ask, trying to act hurt.

He rolls his eyes. “I'm not the kind of guy who lusts after what he can't have.”

“Who said you can't have me?” It's a joke. Sort of.

“Um, duh, you did.”

“Whatever.” I roll my eyes.

“Pull out your phone,” he insists.

“So you can update my Twitter again?” I ask, shaking my head. “No way.”

“Seriously. I promise not to update your Twitter, Facebook, or whatever other social network you have...”

I pull out my phone, and hand it to him. “If you're lying, I will cut off your balls.”

He grabs my phone, and gives me a serious look. “That's not funny.” He scrolls through my phone, and then holds it up to me. It's the tweet from Monday.

@RockStarScar: I have no clue who @Stephan_Montgomery is, but I can assure you, I will NEVER be in his pants.

“Why try?” he asks, smiling. “You obviously don't want me.”

“Fine...” I click at my phone and then hand it back to him. He smiles.

@RockStarScar: I take back what I said about @Stephan_Montgomery. I have every intention of getting in his pants.

He clears his throat.

“Oh my gosh, Stephan! Are you blushing?” I joke with him.

“Just because you want me doesn't mean I want you,” he says, smiling. I know he's joking, but he's trying to sound serious. “I am not easy. I don't give just anybody the golden ticket.”

I laugh when I realize that he quoted what I told him the first day. “Who says I won't work for it?”

“Ooooh, you play dirty,” he raises his eyebrow at me. “But, two can play at that game.”

My phone vibrates in my hand, and I look down to see the tweets pouring in. I turn my phone off and set it on the desk beside his bed.

“Whoa,” he says with disbelief. “Miss High and Mighty Rock Star is turning off her phone? Whatever will you do without your adoring fans telling you how awesome you are every five seconds?”

“I guess I'd rather listen to you tell me how awesome I am.” I flutter my eyelashes at him.

He throws a pillow in my face.

“HEY!” I throw it back.

He looks at me, and I swear I can see desire in his eyes. He moves closer to my mouth, and says, “I think you already know how I feel about you.”

“It's still nice to hear it out loud.” I never once look away from his lips, which are literally inches from mine.

“No matter what I feel, I'm not going to tell you after knowing you four days.”

“I've told you more about me in these four days than I've ever told anybody else.” It's the truth. I've never been close to anybody, at least not since Stacy ran away.

“I at least have to take you out on a date first. Then I can kiss you.” He pulls back, but I'm actually not disappointed. I smile, and have no idea what to say. Nobody has ever said anything that sweet to me before. I think I can definitely get used to small town guys.

No, it's not just small town guys. It's Stephan.

“I think I may be in

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