Jaded (Rock Star Trilogy) - By Mercy Amare Page 0,17

won't be there.”

Before I can respond, Stephan storms past me.

Whatever. If he's going to act like a child, I'm not going to follow him.

“Scarlett?” the brunette with the green eyes from yesterday walks up to me. “Hey. I thought I would try again. Yesterday, we got off on the wrong foot. I would like to be your friend. Would you consider eating lunch with me and my friends?”

I want to say hell no, but then I think of Ethan. What he sees in this girl, I will never understand. “I would like that, but only if I can invite my friend, Ethan.”

I see her smile falter a little, but she quickly recovers. “That would be fine. But really, why Ethan?”

As badly as I want to smack her across the face, I don't. “Why not? He is really nice. He's been such a great friend to me... And he's kind of hot.” Hot is a bit of a stretch, but he is nice looking. Any girl would be lucky to be with him.

She thinks about it for a moment. “Yeah, I guess he is kind of cute.”

I follow her towards the cafeteria, and decide to talk up Ethan. “You know, I kind of think he looks a little like Thor.”

She laughs, but I can tell it's fake. “Ok, well, you can grab your friend and meet me at the table. We sit in the direct center of the lunchroom. It's where all the most popular girls and boys in the school eat.”

Like I really care who sits at the “popular” table!

I turn and walk towards the far right, where Ethan and I always sit. He's waiting there for me.

“Hey, Scarlett.”

“Hey. Good news. We're sitting with that cheerleader girl that you like,” I say. “So come on.”


“Come on,” I motion him. “Your dream girl awaits.”

After a few seconds, Ethan finally gets up and follows me to the popular table. I want to vomit at the thought of sitting there, but I have to hold up my end of the bargain.

“Hey! So glad you two could eat with us!” The cheerleader scoots down for me and Ethan. I take the seat furthest from her, so Ethan is forced to sit by her.

“Hey, Mona,” he says, shyly.

Mona, why can I never remember that name? Though, I guess I've always been bad with names.

Everybody around the table takes turns introducing themselves to me. I'm glad that none of them ask for my autograph, though I suspect Mona asked them not to scare me away.

Most of the people sitting at the table are either in sports, or they are cheerleaders. Apparently baseball and basketball are a big deal at this school. Only a couple of people sitting at the table aren't into sports, and I can tell by their designer clothing that they must have rich parents.

I wonder why they don't like Ethan. He's the hottest guy at the table, and he obviously has wealthy parents. Their house is next door to mine, right on the beach. A beachfront property, even in a small town like this, costs a lot of money. And I've seen the cars parked there – they aren't exactly driving old beaters. I'm pretty sure I saw his dad driving a Hummer, and his mom has a red Corvette.

Maybe they don't know?

I shake off the thought almost as quickly as it comes. I know that's not the case, because in a small town like this, there are no secrets. There has to be a lot more to the story. Ethan definitely isn't telling me everything.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pull it out to see a missed call from a blocked number. There is a voice mail.

“I'm sorry, guys,” I say to nobody in particular. “I have to take this.”

Before anybody has a chance to respond, I get up and walk out of the cafeteria as fast I can. Nobody, not even Stephan or Ethan, has my number. Just my parents, managers, record company, and Alec. I need to know who the call is from.

Ever since my sister disappeared, every time I get a call from a unrecognizable number, I think it's her. I'm usually disappointed, but I never give up hope. I can't. I even hired a private investigator.

Once I'm out of the cafeteria, I keep walking and head out the front doors of the school. Once I'm outside, I put my phone up to my ear, and listen to the message.

“Scarlett, this is Andrew Davis,” I listen.

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