Jaded (Rock Star Trilogy) - By Mercy Amare Page 0,15

my life. During that time, I have no idea what I did. I know that I played a show, and I only know that because I saw the video of my performance. I was out for all of it. Two months later, I bought this house, and here I am,” I shiver at the memory. “It scared me, Stephan. I'm 19. I thought I was invincible. But I'm not. I was well on my way to being a young, dead celebrity. Just another star who OD'd on drugs.”

“Wow, Scar...” he looks at me like he's trying to figure me out.

I nod. “Yeah, I know. I just... I feel like I got a second chance, and I'm not going to screw it up.”

11:21 pm

You know you're hot.

Stephan and me stay in my studio, chatting. I tell him my whole story. I start by telling him how I started playing. I talk to him about my parents. How much they used to love each other, and how they now can't stand to be around one another. When I told him about Stacy, I broke down and cried. It was the first time I had spoken about her to anybody outside of my family. It felt good to be so honest.

After I opened up to Stephan, he seemed to open up to me without hesitation. He told me about his mom and dad. His dad died a few years ago, and his mom remarried Ethan's dad. He said it was a huge adjustment and he wasn't happy at first, but he did admit that Ethan wasn't “that bad”. He also told me that the car he drives was his dad's car, which is why nobody but him is allowed to drive it.

We were in the middle of talking about his races when I gets a phone call from Alec.

“It's my friend with the car,” I tell Stephan excitingly. I answer my phone and put it on speaker. “Alec!”

“Hey gorgeous,” he greets me with his normal flirty tone. For some reason, it makes me uncomfortable in front of Stephan. “You ready to come back to California yet? I miss you.”

“No way! I love it here!” When I look at Stephan, and he's glaring at my phone. “Hey, I was wondering if you were still wanting to sell your Boss 429...”

“For you, anything,” he says. “In fact, I'll deliver the car myself! It'll give me time to see you! I have a few weeks off. Think you can put up with me a couple days?”

“Yes! Oh, and I've made friends! You'll love them!” Now I'm excited.

“Any boyfriends?”

I feel my face start to blush. “Um...” I am not quite sure what to say. Stephan is not my boyfriend, but he definitely has the potential to be. “I've only been here three days, Alec!”

“What's his name? Is he nice? Or am I going to have to beat him up?” he jokes with me.

I look up at Stephan as I reply. “Stephan, yes, and no.”

“Is he as hot as me?”

I choke out a laugh. “Maybe more so. He's extremely sexy. And he's also staring at me while we talk, so that is the end of the conversation for now.”

“Fine, Scarlett Ryan, but this conversation is far from over. And tell him if he hurts you, I will kill him.”

“Consider the message delivered,” I say, looking at Stephan, who is trying not to laugh. “I'll see you soon, Alec.”


I hit end on my phone.

“Your friend is... interesting,” he says. “So is that Alec Torch?”

I nod.

“So I'm hotter than him?” he asks, raising his eyebrow.

I put my hands on my hips, and look at him bashfully. I am embarrassed, so I try to play off the conversation. “Come on, Stephan, you know you're hot.”

“Maybe I just wanted to hear you say it,” he smiles, and then clears his throat. “So, just to clarify, you still don't want in my pants, right?”

I glare at him, but can't help but smile. “I'm pretty sure that I made a bet that you would never, ever see me naked. I hate losing. So yeah, I'm going to have to pass.”

Stephan looks at me with his green eyes, and I remind myself to breathe. “Let me know if you change your mind.”

“I won't.” It's a lie. He knows it. I know it.

“Whatever you say,” he winks.

Not too long after that, I walk with Stephan to my front door. I'm pretty sure that the both of us are exhausted from the previous night, and it's now

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