Vampire Games(8)


But nothing stood out.


Nothing at all.

his trainers, watching the crowd, looking for anything that gave any indication that someone might have known what was about to go down.


But nothing stood out.


Nothing at all.

"So, do you still need to sleep during the day?" Kingsley asked, or, at least, I think he asked. Words had a tendency to get muffled when spoken around a side of beef.


We were at Mulberry Street Ristorante in downtown Fullerton, sitting by the window, drinking wine and eating steak. Just like regular people.


Of course, one of us wasn't so much eating their steak, as slurping the bloody juice pooling around it, and the other wasn't so much eating his steak, as wolfing it down.


I nodded. "I'm still a creature of the night, if that's what you're asking. And, yes, I still need to sleep during the day. I'm still weak during the day. I still feel like crap when I have to get up and pick up the kids during the day. The medallion only gives me the ability to tolerate the sun."


"No more burning?" he asked between bites.


"No more burning."


Mulberry's was busy tonight. It was busy every night, as far as I could tell. It was our restaurant of choice, especially since the cooks and waiters here were used to my orders of raw meat, extra bloody.


Now, as I watched Kingsley tear through his meat in record time, something occurred to me. "Now I have a question for you."




"Were you always this big?"




"Big, as in I've actually seen you turn sideways to go through doorways."


"Only some doors, and, no, the big part came later."