Vampire Games(15)

Would this someone happen to be a female?




This wasn't horrible news. At least, not for me. I liked Fang. I appreciated his friendship and help. But I had always felt he had an ulterior motive: he wanted something from me. And what he wanted, he had made clear a year ago.


He wanted me to turn him.


Although I didn't doubt that he loved me, I always wondered where the love originated. Was it for me, or for what I am? A thought suddenly occurred to me, and I voiced it. Or, rather, wrote it:


Is this woman a...vampire?




A real vampire?


A real vampire, Moon Dance.


May I ask her name?


You know her.


Something inside me turned to ice, which, for me, is saying something. I exhaled a steady stream of cold air, and wrote: Detective Rachel Hanner.




How did you two meet?


She came in the other night, sat at the bar. Ordered a glass of white wine, same as you.