Vampire Dawn(9)

He was hanging upside down?


And he never got a good look at his killer?

No. I think he had been rendered unconscious. I only got a sensation of him returning to consciousness.

And when he did, he was hanging upside down?


Fang wrote: What else did he see before he was, you know...



I rubbed my head as the images, now forever imprinted into my brain, appeared in my thoughts again. I wrote: He didn't get a good look. He was swinging wildly upside down, trying to break free.

His hands were tied?

I think so, yes.

And he saw only one man?

Maybe two. Hard to know. That's when he started screaming.

And that's when the knife appeared, wrote Fang.

Yes, I wrote, feeling drained, despite this being the middle of the night.

And they cut his throat, wrote Fang.


This doesn't sound like a vampire.

No, I wrote.

It sounds like a sick son of a bitch.

I waited before replying. Finally, I wrote: There's more, Fang. I saw...other bodies. At least two more. Both hanging upside down.

Jesus, Sam.

They were suspended over a tub of some sort.

A tub?


They were collecting the blood, Fang wrote.

That's what I think, too.

But why?

I thought about it for only a moment before I wrote: If I had to guess, I would say that he supplies blood for vampires.