
“Please,” I said, as I felt the pressure on my clit. As my sex throbbed and clenched, drawing Cole in, seeking satisfaction.

I kept my hands on the roof, but I wanted to touch myself. I wanted to bring myself over. At the same time, though, I wanted Cole to take me there, because he was so close now, and—

“Now, baby. Come for me. Let me feel that sweet cunt clench onto my fingers. Let me feel you explode.”

And god help me, I did, my body arching and shaking with such violent release I’m certain I shook the whole car. It washed over me in wave after wave, and there was one strange, giddy, wonderful moment when I feared it would never stop. That I would simply be lost in pleasure for the rest of my days.

But then the shaking began to subside and I could start to breathe again. “Oh, god,” I said, and realized that I’d been saying it over and over and over.

“Kat?” There was a hint of worry in Cole’s voice. “Baby, are you okay?”

“I’m fine. I’m more than fine.” I could still feel the after-effects on my body, warm and tingly, and I knew that I wanted to experience this in real life, too. I wasn’t sure what that meant—I’d never really thought that would be something I would like. But I had. I did. “It was, I don’t know. It was so much more than I expected.”

“I’ve never,” he began, and then stopped.

“What?” I urged.

“You’re not even here, and that was one of the most intimate things I’ve ever experienced.”

“But you’ve done it before, haven’t you?”

“Not with you,” he said simply.

I closed my eyes, shivering. Wanting to hold his words and the closeness to me. “Oh. Thank you.”

Silence grew between us, but not uncomfortable. On the contrary, I felt deliciously close to him. “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course,” he said.

“Do you know how it feels?”

There was the slightest pause, and then he said, “I do.”

“So you don’t just use it on women, you’ve actually—”


The thought eased me somewhat. I wasn’t sure how I felt about the fact that I liked the sensation of being flogged. Granted, I hadn’t actually been flogged, but Cole had made it seem so real. So vibrant, and I couldn’t help but believe that I’d responded the way I would when I truly felt the sting of the leather.

Knowing that he understood the sensation as well made me feel less self-conscious about all this stuff I was learning about myself. “I’m glad,” I said. “I’m glad you like it, too.”

“I need it,” he said, his voice flat and even. And then, before I could ask what he meant by that, he added, “Evan’s here. I have to go.”

The call went dead, and I leaned back against the seat, still breathing hard, my skin still stinging sweetly from the flogging. I felt aroused and deliciously used.

Most of all, I felt cherished.

I closed my eyes and said a silent prayer that whatever was happening between Cole and me would continue to grow. Because now that he’d gotten inside me, I wasn’t entirely sure how I would manage without him.

I don’t remember ever going to Perk Up in a better mood. Within fifteen minutes, Glenn had managed to completely bring me down.

“Do you really think the customers want to hear you humming?” he asked me as I filled two cups with coffee for one of the regulars.

“I don’t know why they’d mind,” I countered.

“Hot date last night?” Sarah—the regular—asked.

I just smiled, too much of a lady to kiss and tell.