It's A Wonderful Midlife Crisis (Good To The Last Death #1) - Robyn Peterman Page 0,94

off the wall. Quickly locking and chaining the door, I leaned on it and let out a long breath.

“Holy shit,” I muttered. “I can’t believe I ever thought I was nuts. She’s certifiable.”

“Daisy, are you okay?” Steve asked, floating across the room to me.

The others followed suit and hovered around me making clicking sounds. Donna and Karen, who had been hiding under the couch, popped out, trotted over and sat at my feet.

“I’m fine,” I told everyone. “Really.”

“I think she could see us,” Steve said.

“Did she speak to you?” I asked, still doubtful.

“No.” He shook his head and seated himself on the couch. “It was a feeling. She seemed to stare in our direction an awful lot to not be able to see us.”

“What emotions surround Clarissa?”

Steve shuddered. “Fury. Anger. Hatred. It’s not a pretty picture.”

I refused to let Clarissa ruin my evening. She was evil and stupid but there was nothing she could do to me. As insane as she’d seemed, I didn’t believe she would physically harm me over Gideon. If I still had to work for her, she could make my life awful. However, very soon she would never be my boss again. Thank God.

“Good riddance to bad rubbish,” I said with a small shudder. How did a man as nice as Clarence Smith produce a daughter as hideous as Clarissa? Not my problem. “She’s gone. Now let’s forget about her. Wanna hear about my date?”

The ghosts laughed and zipped around the room creating a wind that blew Clarissa’s nasty essence away. Steve’s smile widened and he patted the seat on the couch next to him.

“Was it good?” he asked hopefully.

I nodded. “It was magical. I’m not sure he’s my permanent person, but I like him a lot.”

“Why didn’t he come in?” Steve questioned, worried.

“Because I told him no sex. I’m not ready for that yet.”

“And he was good with that?”

“He agreed,” I said with a laugh.

“Yessssssssss,” Steve said as he floated to the ceiling, he was so excited. “A man who will wait is a keeper.”

“We’ll see,” I said, unable to hold back my grin. It was still odd to be discussing this with my husband, but we’d definitely had a nontraditional relationship in life. I suppose it made sense that we would have a nontraditional relationship in death. “He’s coming over tomorrow morning. He wants to get to know you better.”

“Outstanding,” Steve said, turning serious. “Daisy, no matter where I end up when I leave you, seeing you becoming whole will give me peace always.”

“You’ll go into the light, Steve. I can feel it. You’re a truly good person,” I told him, reaching out to take his hand.

Quickly turning on a reality show for my squatters, I gently hugged my husband. “Ready to go to bed?”

“Yep,” he said with a grin as he floated over to the stairs. “It’s a damn good night, best friend—even with the shitshow of a finale. I was so proud of you for standing up for yourself.”

“Well, it helps that I don’t have to work for her anymore,” I pointed out.

“True,” Steve said, “but your manners usually stop you from defending yourself when you should.”

He had a point. “Not anymore,” I promised. “Forty-year-old women have balls.”

Steve laughed and drifted up the stairs as Donna trailed him and Karen tagged along behind Donna. “Lady balls look good on you, Daisy.”

“Thank you,” I said as I followed him. “I think so too.”

Chapter Twenty-Five

“Don’t tell me you’re a chef too?” I said with an eye roll, glancing around my kitchen at the gourmet breakfast being prepared.

“Okay. I won’t,” Gideon said as he expertly flipped a pancake by maneuvering the pan without using a spatula.

If I’d done that, the pancake would have either stuck to the ceiling or landed on the floor. My God, was there anything Gideon couldn’t do? He was going to give me a complex.

“Are you attached to turkeys?” he inquired.

“Umm… no. Why?” I asked, confused.

“Turkey bacon,” he said, pointing to a sizzling fry pan. “Just wanted to make sure that you did turkey.”

I laughed and flipped him off. He laughed and returned the favor. The Grim Reaper was standing in my kitchen making me breakfast and just flipped me off. Life didn’t get much better… or weirder.

Gideon had shown up at seven in the morning wearing jeans and a sweater, looking good enough to eat. I’d had a towel on my head and sweatpants and a t-shirt on my body. I was appalled. He was thrilled. After I chewed him Copyright 2016 - 2024