It's A Wonderful Midlife Crisis (Good To The Last Death #1) - Robyn Peterman Page 0,70

for it?” Heather asked, still shocked.

“She said she would,” I told her with a shrug. “She hasn’t shown back up at my house yet. Oh my God, she over-shared that she’d banged one of the lawyers—some older-than-dirt guy. Told me not to bang him.” I rolled my eyes and laughed.

“Did she give you a name?”

“Nope. Told me I knew who he was,” I explained, taking my hoodie off and tying it around my waist. “She’s a nasty piece of work and totally nuts. I’d become a nun before I’d bang an eighty-year-old lawyer.”

“I’d use more profane language to describe her, but yep,” Heather agreed.

“Is she trying to blackmail you into being her friend too?” I asked with a pained grimace.

“No. Thank God,” Heather muttered. “She came to give me a piece of her tiny little mind while she still could.”

“Okay. Not following,” I said, lying down on the couch and petting her big fat cat, Frank. “Explain.”

“I’ve been offered a job as a lawyer at the firm,” she said, running her hands through her hair and making it stand on end.

“That’s great!” My brilliant buddy would breathe some new life into the fuddy-duddy firm.

Heather raised a brow and snorted. “Maybe. Clarence Smith made me an offer that would be stupid to refuse.”

“So, what’s the problem?” I asked.

“I guess there isn’t one,” she said, shrugging.

“I still don’t get why Clarissa came here.”

“Since she won’t be my boss much longer, she needed to rub a few things in,” Heather said with a disgusted look on her pretty face. “Soon, I’ll technically be her boss.”

“That is such poetic justice, I might cry,” I said, grinning from ear to ear. “You should be happy. This is the best news ever. We need to celebrate.”

“I’m not taking the job.”

“What? Why?” I asked, sitting up. The office without Heather would feel wrong. I mean, I knew she’d be a lawyer, but thought she’d still be there.

“The thought of doing real estate and wills for the rest of my life makes me want to claw my eyes out.”

I nodded and groaned. “I feel you. I get it, and I think you’re smart. What are you going to do?”

Heather finally smiled—a real smile. “I’m opening my own firm.”

“That’s freaking fantastic,” I said, raising up my hand for a high five.

“And all of you are coming to work with me,” she informed me, and then finished off with the cherry on top of the sundae. “Everyone is getting partial ownership options, benefits and a raise.”

I was pretty sure I screamed with joy. No, I was positive I screamed. And then I was absolutely sure I tackled Heather and hugged her until she shrieked for me to chill out. Of all the changes happening in my life, this one was welcome and incredible.

“So, I take it you’ll come with me?” Heather asked, shoving me off of her and laughing.

“Yes,” I told her. “I would think my athletically juvenile reaction would have been sufficient, but if you need actual words—then yes. Have you talked to Jennifer and June yet?”

She nodded and grinned. “I have. Just before I called you earlier. I knew you were coming over so I wanted to see your face and tell you in person. I didn’t expect to be attacked.”

“Sorry, not sorry,” I told her with a sigh of happiness.

“No worries. It makes me feel great that all of you trust me.”

“The gals said yes?” I asked, feeling tingly and excited. No more Clarissa and no running into Gideon. That part left me unsettled, but it was for the best.

“Damn straight. June cried so hard I had to get Charlie on the phone to understand what she was trying to say. But yes, June is in. Jennifer told me in great detail what she planned to do to her face and back fat with all the extra money she’ll be making,” Heather said with an eye roll. “So yes. Ms. Botoxicated will be joining us as well.”

“Can you afford this?” I asked with concern.

Heather raised a brow and gave me a half-smirk. “Yes, Daisy, I can. I have a trust fund and a very healthy stock portfolio. It won’t be difficult to get us set up. And I could always take on a partner if I wanted to.”

I stared at my dear friend for a long moment. “Why were you working as a paralegal?”

Heather didn’t need to work. I mean, I knew she had family money. Of course, I had no clue how much she had access Copyright 2016 - 2024