It's My Life - Stacie Ramey Page 0,34

I say. “Mostly.”

“So are you going to?”

“Not sure.” I cover my face with my hands. This is all too much.

Uncle Steve pulls my hands away and looks me in the eyes. “I’m not trying to make you uncomfortable with all of this, but as your lawyer, I have to advise you.”

“And as my uncle?”

“I say try to speak with them one more time. See how you feel. The paperwork is all ready to go.”

“Okay. Am I the worst, wishy-washiest client you’ve ever had?”

Uncle Steve smiles warmly at me. “This is a very hard line to draw, and I’m glad you are thinking twice about it.”

I breathe out.

“These tests are coming up in just a few days, and you should know how you feel before they happen.”

“I don’t know how I feel. I mean, I hate the tests, but maybe they would help. But also maybe they will be ‘inconclusive.’” I make air quotes around that word. “And then it’ll be all for nothing, and we’ll have to jump into deciding to do the pump or not.”

“I know. It’s a very difficult choice, but, it’s up to you to make it. And we don’t have to decide anything tonight. I simply wanted you to know I’m ready with operation Free the Dove whenever you are.”

“Operation Free the Dove? That is the dorkiest code name ever.”

“Like you have a better suggestion?” He asks.

“Tons. Operation Phoenix Arises.”

Uncle Steve nods. “That one’s pretty good.”

“Operation Persephone,” I say.

“Not sure I buy that one.”

“Operation Uncaged.”

“Okay. Sure. But don’t you want to eat your pasta?” Uncle Steve asks.

“Yeah.” I take another bite. Lift my fork in the air. “Operation Lotus because I’m blooming like a flower. Operation Avatar because I’m becoming a parent-bender.”

Uncle Steve winces. “May be pushing it a little. Hey, Operation Cloak and Dagger.”

“Um…no on that one. Hard pass.” I laugh, and this is how we spend the rest of dinner.

* * *

8:56 P.M.

Do you like Avatar: The Last Airbender?

How could you question that? Of course.

Best tv show ever.

So that leads me to…Avatar or Death Note.

Both. Obv.

I think you have trouble committing.


So commit. Tell me something you love.

I like rom-coms.

Don’t all girls?

That is so patronizing! And misogynistic!

You’re right. My confession? So do I.

Now you’re just being a jerk.

No. I’m srs.

Ok name your favorites.

The Princess Bride.

You just like all the swordplay.

Ok. What about…To All the Boys I Loved Before. Watched it with my little cousin.

You know it was a book first?

I’m not a heathen. Of course I know.

So did you read it?

Um…next question. Your favorites?

Ohh. This is hard. I love old Hollywood ones. You know.

Sure. Sure.

I’m serious. Like Rear Window.

That was NOT a rom-com.

Says who?

What other ones?

10 Things I Hate About You. A Cinderella Story. The live-action Cinderella.

Of course those. And…

To All the Boys I Loved Before. Also, yes. I read the book, too.

Such an A+ student…

After I saw the movie. I’m embarrassed to admit.

Wow. Mind blown.

Maybe you’re rubbing off on me.

Well you’re definitely rubbing off on me. I’m ahead on my reading for The Great Gatsby.


I’m not hating it as much as I thought I would.

I’ll take it. Gnite.

Gnite. Sweet dreams.

Sweet dreams you too.

Smiley face emoji.

Back at you.

Tuesday, 7:03 A.M.

Do you ever wish you could have some control over your life?

All the time! What’s up?

My parents are driving me batty.

What are they doing?

Trying to plan my summer for the next three years. Trying to pick the college I should go to. If I should play hockey or not. They talk about all of this as if I don’t have a choice.

Parents take their plays from the same books. Angry face emoji.

You’re to blame for this recent siege, btw.

What did I do?

Well, apparently, I got an A on my last Gatsby test, thanks to you. I maneuvered my Algebra II grade to a decent B and my parents think I’m a genius.


Yeah, so now they have expectations for me. Great Expectations.

That’s the next book we’ll read!

Don’t get your hopes up too high, Elsa.

Remember, I’m aiming middle-ish. It’s not my fault you went for the shorthanded goal.

Did you just use a hockey reference?

I might have done some studying myself.

Heart emoji.


“Bye, guys.” Rena races out the door and into the car of her best friend, Shayna. Apparently they’ve got a bunch of stuff to work out for this year’s fashion show, which leaves me alone with Mom for the ride to school since Ben has a doctor’s appointment. I figure I can use the one-on-one time to my advantage.

“So,” I say as we pull away from the house. Copyright 2016 - 2024