The Italian's Final Redemption - Jackie Ashenden Page 0,58

could do out in the world. So much good she would do, because of the kind of person she was.

What things could she do if she was allowed to follow her own passions? What kinds of things could she create if she weren’t hemmed in by fear?

What kind of person could she become?

Ah, but he knew already. She would be amazing.

He couldn’t keep that from her. He wouldn’t.

It went against everything he’d thought justice was, but maybe there were more forms of justice in this world than he’d previously thought. And besides, it would be a greater injustice to put her back in a cage than it would be to take her out of it.

Determination sat inside him, a new sense of purpose.

He’d never wanted anything more from this life than to bring down the people who hurt others and he would keep on with doing that. She’d brought him a little space of peace and he would remember that for ever.

But she wasn’t his and she never would be. And the greatest gift he could give to the world would be to let her go.

Lucy sighed again and rolled over, glancing to where he’d been sitting. She frowned when she didn’t see him, sitting up and looking around.

Then her gaze found his and her face lit up, and she smiled.

No, that was the sun rising. That was the lightning strike. Her and her smile, and the way she looked at him. As if he was a sight that made her happy and gave her joy.

Then she held out her arms to him and he felt something inside him crumble and fall away, like a narrow cliff path collapsing under his feet. There was nothing to stop him, nothing to hold on to. One moment the path was firm and solid, the next he was in the air and he was falling.

It was dizzying, terrifying, a rush of intense happiness and hope, along with a despair that he hadn’t felt since he’d betrayed Gabriella.

He didn’t know how he was ever going to give his civetta up.

But he was going to have to.


LUCY PAUSED BESIDE the bed and briefly debated whether to grab the book she’d been reading to bring down to the pool, or the financial magazine Vincenzo had given her. The book was some nice escapism, but the magazine had some interesting articles, and she wasn’t sure what she was in the mood for. Both, perhaps?

She picked them up and turned to the door just as Vincenzo strode in.

A delicious shiver worked its way down her spine the way it always did whenever he was near, her heart beating faster, tension and flutters of heat collecting in the pit of her stomach. Along with a desperate, tight feeling she couldn’t shake.

He was in a perfectly tailored midnight-blue suit today, with a black shirt that only emphasised his compelling, dark magnetism. With his inky hair and obsidian eyes, the harsh planes and angles of his face, he was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen in her life.

Don’t feel anything for him. You can’t.

No, of course she didn’t. She was just...admiring him. And she liked being near him and touching him and having him look at her. She was happy whenever she was in his presence, so happy...

But it was nothing more than that. And it certainly wasn’t love.

She smiled and took a step towards him, but he didn’t smile back. And he didn’t reach for her the way he normally did. The expression on his face was carved from stone, his black eyes cold. He looked the way he had when she’d first seen him in his office nearly a week ago. Unyielding. Ruthless...

A chill crept through her.

‘Is there something wrong?’ She tried a smile, hoping he would smile back, let her know that everything was fine. ‘I was just going down to the pool and—’

‘It’s time to pack, Lucy.’ His voice was cool. ‘You’ll be leaving in an hour.’

She was aware of a rushing sound in her ears, her vision tunnelling, darkness creeping in around the edges. ‘What do you mean, leaving? You gave me your word that—’ She stopped dead as he thrust out his hand.

He held something small, square and blue.

A passport. A United States passport.

The rushing in her ears grew louder, her vision wavering, her breath coming short and hard. She didn’t understand. Why was he giving her a passport?

You know why.

She had an inkling. It was what she’d asked for when she’d initially Copyright 2016 - 2024