The Italian's Final Redemption - Jackie Ashenden Page 0,46

They’d lost another hour like that and now she was feeling well rested, physically sated, and ravenous.

In other words, she’d never felt better in her entire life. Apart from being hungry, of course.

She pushed at his muscular shoulders. ‘Vincenzo. Food.’

Finally, he lifted his head and gave her a measuring look. ‘Very well. But you let me organise it, yes?’

‘Okay.’ She had no problems with that. If he wanted to feed her the way he’d fed her lunch, she was more than happy.

But Vincenzo clearly had a bigger plan than a simple meal in mind, because he made her stay where she was for at least half an hour, before finally coming to get her and leading her down a couple of hallways and out to a small private terrace shielded from view by trees and potted bushes.

A big outdoor bath sat on the stone floor of the terrace and steam rose from the water. Candlelight leapt and flickered from holders placed on various surfaces, casting a gentle glow over everything.

Her chest constricted as he urged her towards the bath, his hand gentle at her back.

‘This is beautiful, Vincenzo,’ she said huskily. ‘Is it for me?’

‘Yes.’ He eased the robe he’d put around her off her shoulders. ‘There’s no beach here and it’s too late to swim from the rocks. We have a pool built into the cliff but it’s a bit cool at night. I thought you’d enjoy being outside and in some warm water in case you’re sore.’

She was slightly...achy. And parts of her that were a little chafed would like some warm water to ease them. She definitely would enjoy that.

Then again, she already was enjoying everything he’d already given her, just as she was very determinedly only thinking about what was happening now and not what would happen in a few days, when he handed her over. It wasn’t relevant to this moment and, since this moment was all she had, she’d enjoy every single second of it.

She slipped naked into the bath, the water delightfully scented and warm.

‘I’ll be back,’ Vincenzo murmured and disappeared into the house.

Sighing, Lucy leaned her head back on the bath, loving the soothing effect of the water and the sound of the waves at the base of the cliffs below the house. The stars studded the black sky, the candlelight flickering, and yet another moment presented itself. A moment of peace and tranquillity and utter safety.

Her father couldn’t reach her here. No one could. She was protected by Vincenzo and he’d let nothing touch her.

He will give you up, you know this...

But that thought wasn’t part of the moment and so she ignored it, counting the stars above her head and letting herself drift in the water.

She must have drifted to sleep too, because she opened her eyes maybe only seconds later, to find Vincenzo had returned and had set a tray of food plus a bottle of white wine and wine glasses down on a stone table near the bath. He’d pulled on a pair of jeans, but wore nothing else, and so she lay there for a few moments, watching the play of muscles moving beneath his tanned skin as he opened the wine and poured it.

And she didn’t need to see clearly to know he was beautiful. Stunningly masculine and so physically powerful. Also so fierce and passionate, and not at all the cold, judgmental angel he’d appeared to be when she’d first met him.

He’d told her that he had no mercy and yet with her he’d been nothing but kind. Demanding, true, yet also gentle. And his ruthlessness hid a protective nature that she found almost unbearably attractive.

You feel something for him...

Lucy forced her gaze away, the water around her suddenly not quite as warm as it had been. She was only admiring him. It didn’t mean anything emotionally.

Her skin prickled and she looked up again to find that he’d turned from the table and was now watching her, a familiar expression of hunger on his blunt, aristocratic features. ‘I was going to ask if you wanted some dinner now, but maybe we could wait five minutes. I suddenly have a very strong urge to have a bath.’

She flushed at the heat in his eyes. ‘Dinner first,’ she said firmly. ‘It would be very unfortunate if I starved to death at a vital moment.’

He stared at her a second and then, much to her delight, his hard mouth curved into one of the most glorious smiles she’d Copyright 2016 - 2024