The Italian's Bedroom Deal Page 0,33

not to mention the secret body guards my father has watching me around the clock. No one’s going to be able to get in here without one of those security measures being tripped up.”

“Just allow me my little idiosyncrasies, cara,” he said a moment before he pulled her into his arms, holding her close against his body as his mouth covered hers in a thorough kiss that left her breathless once again. Just as suddenly, he released her and walked out the door. With one hand on the door handle, he turned back to look at her, winking as he took in her disoriented appearance. “I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

He shut the door a moment later and she was still reeling from his kiss when she heard the limousine pull away.

Chapter 9

Clarissa wasn’t sure what she was doing. She was going to the ballet with Max but there was no future for them. Why was she wasting her time?

She’d spent the day working on her latest book, her fingers flying over the keyboard as she worked out the details. The characters were wonderful, funny, intelligent and the man really knew how to kiss, she thought. It was a mystery and the private detective reminded her of Max and how strong he was. Oh, sure, she knew Max was much too busy to solve mysteries or chase bad guys down the street late at night. But he was definitely the hero type. His macho arrogance and bulging muscles would make him any woman’s fantasy hero.

In her frustration and determination to put Max out of her mind, she plowed through several chapters in the book, translating it into French and by the time she looked at the clock late in the afternoon, she’d made a good deal of progress.

She sat at her desk, contemplating the time. If she was going to the ballet with Max, she needed to start getting ready now. If she wasn’t going, she needed to call him and tell him. Would he have already left the office by now? She knew his cell phone number but didn’t dare to call him. She didn’t want to talk to him, knowing he’d just ignore her backing out of the night. Perhaps she could call his secretary and have her relay the message to Max. Would that work? Would he accept it?

Sighing, she knew he’d show up no matter how she got a message to him. Turning off her computer, she accepted that Max’s determination was part of the reason she was so attracted to him. He knew what he wanted and went after it with single minded purpose.

An hour later, the doorbell rang and she lifted her shawl off the back of the sofa before opening the door. “You didn’t check to see who it was, Clarissa,” he said before pulling her into his arms. He kissed her thoroughly, then released her and took her hand to lead her out to the car. Clarissa sat in the back of the car in shock as she listened to him ask her questions. She wasn’t sure what she replied, too stunned by her body’s reaction to his kiss, but he was obviously satisfied with her answers.

Her confusion lasted through the entire ballet performance. She was sure that it was probably a well performed event with masterful dancers and she had a vague idea of fabulous costumes and settings. But Max sat next to her in a private box, his hand holding hers hostage. He laid her hand on his thigh during the first half of the performance which had her mind spinning. Her fingers wanted to run up and down the muscles underneath her palms but she forced her hand to remain still, unsure of what the correct thing to do in this situation. She’d never put her hand on another man’s arm, much less his thigh so she was painfully nervous and excited.

During intermission, Max kept his arm around her waist, holding her close as others came up to talk with him on various subjects. While his acquaintances discussed business or different events, Max’s hand rested low on her back. Much lower than when he was guiding her around some place. It wasn’t on her derriere but it was enticingly low. He kept her back to the wall so others wouldn’t be able to see where his hand was but she knew. And she had no idea what was being asked of her.

During the second half of the performance, Max took Copyright 2016 - 2024