Irresistibly Yours - Lauren Layne Page 0,9

have something that will fit Penelope?”

Understanding dawned on Penelope.

These women were going to help her overcome Coffeegate. Four perfect strangers—well, three strangers plus Emma—were helping her for no reason other than to be kind.

“It’s been slim pickings over in Style lately,” Grace said, circling Penelope and tapping her lip. “Lots of runway crap. Nothing interview-appropriate.”

“She can switch shirts with me,” Riley said, her hands already going to the hem of her leopard print V-neck.

Julie scoffed. “You and your big boobs have no place here, Ri. I’ll trade.”

Without warning, Julie whipped her black turtleneck over her head and held it out to Penelope.

Penelope blinked. “I can’t take your shirt.”

Julie shook it. “Of course you can.”

“What will you wear?”

“Your stained monstrosity, of course.”

Penelope balked. “I can’t let you do that.”

“It’s not for all day,” Julie said in a soothing voice. “I just need to wear it across town to Bloomingdale’s. Right, girls?”

“Can we stop and get a burrito?” Riley asked of nobody in particular.

Cole knocked on the other side of the door. “Twelve minutes, Tiny.”

“Tiny. You and Cole are at the nickname stage, hmm?” Grace said with raised eyebrows.

Penelope ignored this, took a deep breath, and awkwardly undid the buttons of her stained shirt. As soon as it was off her shoulders, Julie snatched it and pulled it on.

Penelope hurriedly pulled Julie’s shirt over her head, before watching guiltily as Julie buttoned up Penelope’s own disaster, the front straining a little across Julie’s more ample breasts, making the coffee stain even more noticeable.

Penelope groaned. “You can’t wear that.”

Julie glanced down and then shrugged. “What better way to call attention to the twins?”

Grace reached out and straightened the turtleneck across Penelope’s shoulders. “A little big, but guys don’t notice these things.”

“Thank you so much,” Penelope said, glancing around at all four women. “I really don’t…I don’t even know what to say. If there’s anything I can do to repay you…”

“Actually, there is,” Julie said with a thoughtful look on her face.


Julie gave Penelope a slightly smug look and crossed her arms over her chest. “How about you tell us why Cole Sharpe is helping a woman who’s standing directly in the way of his dream job?”

Penelope froze as Julie’s question sank in.

Cole Sharpe could have walked away down in the lobby. Could have let her show up with a big wet spot on her shirt after an unsuccessful attempt to remove the stain.

He could have ensured that she was off balance and embarrassed for her interview.

Instead he’d helped her. He’d gone above and beyond, really.

Penelope could only shake her head at the curious women. “Honestly? I have no freaking idea.”

Chapter 3

Nearly two hours after he’d shown Penelope Pope up to the Oxford offices for her interview with Cassidy, Cole still hadn’t figured out what the hell he’d been thinking.

He’d had the perfect opportunity to get the edge over Penelope Pope in the interview process, and instead he’d played fairy fucking godmother, whisking her away to the ball.

Or to the Stiletto girls’ office. Same difference.

It was just…

She’d looked so damn small. And when she’d blinked up at him with huge brown eyes trying so desperately to hold back tears…

Ah, hell. He’d been a goner.

Still, that didn’t mean he wasn’t dying to know if she’d bungled the interview. And he knew just the person to sweet-talk for the inside scoop.

Joanna Barry was Oxford’s front receptionist, and Alex Cassidy’s right-hand woman. If anyone knew what Cassidy had thought of Tiny Pope, it would be Jo.

Or at least, Cole sure as hell hoped so, because he’d just waited in line for twenty-five minutes at Starbucks to get his bribe.

“Hello, sweets. I’ve brought you something— Oh. It’s you.”

The reception chair at the Oxford front desk swiveled around. Cole had been expecting Joanna but got an altogether more manly visage.

Lincoln Mathis.

“Is that for me?” the black-haired man asked, tossing to the side the magazine he’d been reading and holding out an eager hand for one of the cups in Cole’s hand.

“It’s for Jo,” Cole said, looking around the office and hoping that the receptionist was nearby.

“Went home sick today,” Lincoln said. He snapped fingers expectantly for the coffee.

Cole hesitated for about a half second before relenting and handing over the coffee, careful to hide his grin. He took a sip of his own coffee, keeping an innocent expression on his face as Lincoln took a drink from the coffee meant for Joanna.

Wait for it…

Lincoln sputtered. “Son of a— What is this, tar?”

“That, my man, is an Americano,” Cole said.

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