Irresistibly Yours - Lauren Layne Page 0,72

against him, and she went easily, as though she belonged there.

Still, neither spoke. Not about what had just transpired, nor about what it meant.

And happy as she was, just before she drifted off to sleep, Penelope couldn’t help but wonder how long this could continue.

She was now 100 percent positive that she couldn’t honor her promise to Cole that she wouldn’t fall in love.

If she told him, she’d lose him.

But if she didn’t tell him…

She’d lose herself.

Chapter 25

Sunday marked a first for Cole: he’d rescheduled his and his brother’s standing Sunday date.

It hadn’t been an easy decision. But Jake had scored four Yankees tickets directly behind home plate and invited Cole and Penelope. And even though it was Sunday—his and Bobby’s day—Cole had found himself tempted. Tempted to spend a sunny afternoon with friends and a woman who was, well…he didn’t know.

Something had shifted between Cole and Penelope.

As far as what was different, Cole didn’t have a fucking clue. He couldn’t have named it. He only knew it felt a good deal more important than weekend bed partners and weekday colleagues.

And for the life of him, he didn’t know whether to be freaked out or happy.

Bobby had agreed to the change of plans with so much enthusiasm, Cole half wondered if Bobby hadn’t been waiting for this moment—waiting for Cole to have a reason to have a relationship with someone other than his big brother.

Of course, it didn’t hurt that the Mets were away, so a ball game was out of the question anyway, since Bobby good-naturedly refused to go to Yankee Stadium.

But whatever Bobby’s motivations, his brother had approved. Heartily.

Still, Bobby’s approval didn’t quite ease the sting of guilt Cole felt when he and Penelope walked into Yankee Stadium with Jake and Grace Malone.

As though sensing this, Penelope’s fingers found his and squeezed.

“Okay,” Grace said, clapping her hands together. “They have wine here, right? I know beer’s customary, but I could really go for a nice chardonnay….”

Penelope stared at her in horror. “You can’t be serious. This is a ballpark.”

“An evolved one,” Grace said with a little wink.

“But—but—” Penelope was sputtering.

Grace gave her a little pat on the shoulder. “I can see you’re all about the classics, so how about we split up and meet back after everyone finds their food and beverage of choice?”

“If she brings sushi, I’ll have to unfriend her,” Penelope muttered to Cole after Grace had dragged Jake toward the wine cart.

“Fair enough,” Cole agreed as they headed to the main concession stand. “So what’s our plan? Hot dog?”

Penelope studied the menu with as much interest as a sommelier perusing a wine list.

“I’m thinking…pretzel,” she finally pronounced. “I haven’t had a good one in forever. Or wait, do I want nachos?”

“I notice popcorn’s not in the running,” he said.

She smiled. “I know it’s been a week since I was doused in the stuff, but I swear sometimes I still get a whiff of butter. Speaking of which, how’s Bobby? Are you sure it’s okay that you’re not hanging out with him today?”

There it was again. That stab of guilt.

“We’re going to the Mets game on Wednesday,” Cole told Penelope as they inched their way closer to the cashier.

“Nice,” Penelope said. “What’s he going to do today while you’re bumming around with me? Probably another killer party?”

Cole smiled. “Probably. The guy is Mr. Popular. And he’s been talking nonstop lately about some woman named Carly, so I’m thinking he’s got a crush.”

Penelope shook her head. “The Sharpe brothers have moves. Poor Carly’s heart doesn’t stand a chance.”

He slid his hand behind her neck, tilting her head up so he could see her face beneath the brim of her cap. “What about your heart? Where does it stand on the whole Sharpe brothers’ charm thing?”

Penelope’s lips parted in surprise, probably at the quiet urgency in his voice. He told himself to let her go—that the food line at Yankee Stadium wasn’t the time or the place to have this conversation.

He didn’t even know what this conversation was. Or what he wanted to hear her say—

Scratch that.

He knew exactly what words he wanted to hear. He wanted to know that she was his. That this was more than a weekends-only fling. That she was falling for him as helplessly as he was falling for her.

So tell her. Tell her how you feel.

And then the people in front of them finished ordering, and it was Penelope and Cole’s turn to order.

Moment ruined by junk food.

Cole ran a hand over Copyright 2016 - 2024