Irresistibly Yours - Lauren Layne Page 0,63

of her hand. “Sweetie, does this have to do with that guy? That asshole who stole your job?”

Penelope groaned. “He’s coming to New York. And for the life of me, I don’t know if I’m supposed to avoid him, or play it cool, or get a makeover to show him what he’s missing, or if I should tell him off, or—”

Julie pursed her lips. “Okay. Okay, let’s work through this. How much time do we have?”

Penelope smiled at Julie’s use of we. The woman barely knew her, and already she was treating Penelope like an old friend.

“This weekend. He gets in Friday.”

Julie whistled, only it wasn’t a very good whistle and came out as an awkward breath. “That doesn’t give us much time for a plan.”

“Tell me about it,” Penelope said, gnawing at a piece of bread.

“Okay, well, let me ask this,” Julie said hesitantly. “Are you…over him? Truly.”

Penelope paused in her chewing. “I have no idea. No freaking idea. I know that I should be over him. I know that only a fool wouldn’t be. But…”

“But the heart is sometimes foolish,” Julie said. “I get it. I totally get it.”

“So…any ideas?” Penelope asked with a smile.

Julie was quiet for several moments, a speculative look on her face as she tapped her fingers on the table.

“Why, yes, actually. Just one idea, but it’s a very, very good one.”

Chapter 21

Later that afternoon, Cole knocked on Cassidy’s door.

“Boss. You wanted to see me?”

Cassidy glanced up from his computer. “Yeah. Cole, come in.”

Cole came into the office, planting himself in the chair across from Cassidy as he had dozens of times in the past.

“What’s up?”

Cassidy leaned back in his chair. “Just wanted to see how things are going. I think I talk to you less since you’ve become my employee than when you were a contractor.”

“That’s because you work your employees to the bone,” Cole said. “I barely find time to eat.”

“Hmm,” Cassidy said, folding his hands, resting them against his lips, and staring at Cole. “And yet you do find time to have sex with your co-editor.”



Cassidy let out a rare laugh. “I wish I had a camera. I believe this is the first time I’ve ever caught you at a loss for words.”

“How the hell did you find out so fast?” Cole said, unable to keep the slightly sheepish note out of his voice. As he’d told Pen this morning, he wasn’t ashamed of sleeping with her, but he didn’t exactly love the fact that their boss knew about it.

“Please. Everyone knew about thirty seconds after Julie got back from her run,” Jake Malone said from the doorway.

Cole mentally calculated how painfully slow Julie Greene’s running pace was. “So, noon?” he asked.

Jake entered the office and plopped into the chair beside Cole. It was a familiar scene. How many times had he and Jake sat in this exact spot, giving Cassidy shit about anything and everything?

But this time, it wasn’t Cassidy getting the shit. Judging from the smirks on both of his friends’ faces, they were gearing up to make Cole’s life miserable.

And not just them.

A strange wheeling noise sounded from the hallway, and Cole shifted to see Lincoln scoot his way into Cassidy’s office while still seated in his office chair.

“Seriously, dude?” Jake asked. “You wheeled in here? Nobody does that past the age of eight on Take Your Kid to Work Day.”

Lincoln shrugged as he shuffled his feet, scooting forward until his chair was on the other side of Cole’s. “What? Cassidy only has two chairs, so I brought my own.”

“For what?” Cole asked. “Group therapy? Why do I get the feeling this doesn’t have to do with my work on the actual magazine?”

“Because that would be boring,” Lincoln said.

Cole glanced to his right and gave Lincoln a once-over. “Dude, are you wearing a pink tie?”

Lincoln glanced down. “I rock it. You know I do.”

Cole rolled his eyes. Lincoln did kind of rock it. When you’re built like Superman, you could get away with wearing just about whatever the fuck you wanted.

“So, you’re sleeping with Penelope,” Jake said in a soothing, therapist kind of voice.

Cole glanced around. “Everyone knows, huh?”

“Definitely,” Lincoln said. “I’d say it became common knowledge that you wanted her right about the time you bit my head off for kissing her—”

“No, before that,” Cassidy broke in. “He definitely wanted to sleep with her that first night he saw her at the Yankees game. He just didn’t know it yet.”

Cole settled back in his chair, and wiggled Copyright 2016 - 2024