The Irish Upstart - By Shirley Kennedy Page 0,89

said, “There was never anything wrong with Thomas except he was a second son. But he isn’t any more, is he?” She brightened. “He has always liked me, you know. He greatly admires my needlework.”

“So Thomas is the new Lord Eddington,” Charlotte, ignoring her sister, mused aloud. It was obvious she had finally grasped the full meaning of Thomas’s new position in life. “Oh, Mama, do you think—?”

“So all is not lost, after all.” A note of triumph, mixed with relief, filled Lydia’s voice. “Montague was a fine man, God rest his soul, but he was into his cups a great deal of the time, whereas Thomas—”

“Thomas is everything Montague was not,” said Charlotte with growing enthusiasm. “I’ve always had the feeling he admired me.”

Lydia shot her a look of disdain. “There are matters far more important than whether he admires you or not. Bear in mind, the Marquess’s fondest wish has always been that Northfield Hall and Aldershire Manor be conjoined. This is not the time to consider such matters, however I have not one doubt the Marquess will expect Thomas to carry out his plan. Meanwhile, girls, we must summon Celeste at once. We must have suitable black clothing to wear to Montague’s funeral. I suspect he’ll be buried at Northfield Hall, so we shall be taking a journey tomorrow.”

Montague’s funeral, Evleen thought in despair. Little did she know when the day began how horribly it would end. She pictured her wardrobe, but there was nothing suitable. “I’m afraid I have nothing black to wear.”

Lydia regarded her strangely. “You? Go to Montague’s funeral?”

“Naturally I thought... well, yes, of course I shall go,” answered Evleen. “Is there anything wrong?”

“You can go if you wish, of course,” Lydia answered with an elaborate shrug, “far be it from me to stand in your way, but I’d hardly advise it, considering feelings will be running high against you.”

“Whatever do you mean?” Evleen asked, totally bewildered.

Charlotte spoke up. “She means those awful things you were saying to Montague. A lot of people heard you.” She burst into a new fit of sobbing. “And now he’s dead and you are the one responsible!”

Evleen was dumbfounded. “But that’s ridiculous.”

“Is it?” asked Lydia. “Can you deny you pushed Montague while on the dance floor? Many people saw you, Evleen. Of course, we shall try to stand by you.” One corner of her mouth lifted in a half-hearted smile. “Even though that might prove difficult.”

Still dumbfounded, Evleen declared, “I don’t need you to stand by me. I have done nothing wrong.”

Lydia appeared not to hear. “And then there’s that business at the curb. You did say some terrible things to Montague. Surely you cannot deny it.”

Evleen was aghast. “Are you trying to say I caused Montague’s death?”

“Can you honestly say you had no part in it? That remark you made in Gaelic, telling him to leave and not return—in retrospect, do you realize how utterly vile it was?”

“But you don’t understand.” Evleen gave a choked, desperate laugh. “I mean, I said some things, but there were circumstances... didn’t you hear what he said to me? Caused his death? That is beyond all reason.”

Lydia answered, “Oh, you didn’t personally throw him off his horse, if that’s what mean, but it’s clear your sharp tongue unsettled the poor man.”

“Which is why he was so distraught he raced off on his horse and fell off,” said Charlotte. Her eyes blazed with accusation. “It’s all your fault, Evleen. You so much as killed him, and don’t think for a moment the whole world doesn’t know.”

“That’s not so, Charlotte,” said Amanda, who up to now had remained silent. “Evleen is right. People don’t know all the circumstances. We were standing right there, all of us, so surely you must have heard Montague saying those insulting things to Evleen. She was only defending herself. We need to tell people that. We need—”

“Hush, Amanda, you don’t know what you heard.” Lydia Trevlyn glared accusingly at Evleen. “Charlotte is right. We all heard the abominable things you said to Montague, and for no reason, other than your own vituperative motives.”

“Utter nonsense,” Evleen flatly declared. Up to now she felt so confused and badgered she could hardly speak, but now she was getting angry. She stood up and declared, “You know very well, Lydia Trevlyn, Montague fell from his horse because he was foxed. That’s the reason, pure and simple, and if you say otherwise, you are being hideously unfair.”

Hearing Lydia’s sudden intake of breath, Evleen Copyright 2016 - 2024