The Irish Upstart - By Shirley Kennedy Page 0,85

flaw. His tantalizing thoughts of Evleen did not fade as expected. As time went by, she increasingly haunted his dreams. When Penelope wrote that Evleen was now the toast of London, the jolting news caused the remnants of his forced, false serenity to quickly evaporate. The thought of Evleen being cajoled, charmed, wheedled and deceived by a bevy of shallow London dandies unleashed such a torrent of angst and apprehension within himself, he was forced to return post haste to London.

She was finishing her dance with Montague, who looked fuddled, he could tell, even from here. Although it was getting late, he still had plenty of time. He would get her alone after supper, lay his heart at her feet, pride be damned, and see what she said.

* * *

“Montague, you’ve had too much brandy,” said Evleen as the dance ended. She looked into Montague’s face, now slack from drink. “Take my advice and go home.”

“Me, foxed?” Montague regarded her with blurry eyes. “Ridiculous. I’m as sober as a vicar.”

He staggered, ever so slightly, but enough for her to notice. “You see? And whatever you do, don’t try dancing again.” Her toe still smarted from where Montague had stamped upon it.

Montague replied, “I assure you, my wild Irish beauty, I am totally in control. Matter of fact, I rather hoped you would take supper with me.”

“I think not.” Disgusted, she tried to back away, but he took her arm.

“You’re so beautiful, Evleen,” he said, voice thick from drink. His gaze dropped from her eyes to her shoulders to the exposed top of her breasts where it lingered, frankly assessing. “Such beauty needs to be caressed, to be kissed, to be—”

“Oh!” Evleen cried, so revolted she yanked her arm away. “Go home and sober up, Montague.”

As Evleen spun around and headed for the side lines, she felt several pairs of eyes upon her. She felt mortified the disagreeable scene had been witnessed by several people, but what could she expect? They had, after all, been standing in the middle of the dance floor.

When she reached the side lines, she found Lydia Trevlyn staring at her with cold, questioning eyes. “What did you say to Montague?”

“Mrs. Trevlyn, Montague is extremely foxed, I believe is the way he put it.”

“I can hardly believe that. Besides, was that any reason to be rude?”

“You did not hear what he said.”

“I didn’t need to hear.” Lydia slowly shook her head, as if dumbfounded Evleen could do such a thing. “Tis beyond me how you could have shown such ill manners to the future Marquess of Westhaven, and right in front of everybody.”

Evleen wondered what a title had to do with an absolute boor, yet she maintained her calm. Let Lydia condemn her, she knew she had performed with admirable restraint. “I regret that you feel that way, but I did what I had to do.”

Mercifully, the innocuous Lord Edgemont approached at that moment and asked her dance. She swiftly said yes, thankful to get away from Lydia Trevlyn. He asked her to take supper with him, which gladly she did. After, she was approaching the chaperones, girding for another confrontation with Lydia, when she heard a voice behind her that stopped her in her tracks.

“Wait, Evleen.”

Thomas. Her heart leaped in her chest.

From close behind her, his breath warm on her ear, she heard, “Have you time for an old friend?”

Slowly she turned, giving herself time to recover from her shock. By the time she faced him squarely, she had regained her composure enough to playfully remark, “He leaves, he doesn’t say goodbye, he doesn’t write.” Jamming one gloved hand to her hip, she went on, “Some old friend indeed.”

Laughing easily, he remarked, “I hear you’re the toast of London these days.” He gave her a mocking bow. “Must be thrilling, all those men begging for so much as a glance, a dance, a smile.”

Enough of silly banter, she thought as she burst, “I’m so happy to see you. How long will you be in London? I suppose you came to see the horses at Tattersalls?”

“Not really. I came to see you.”

“Oh.” At a loss for words, she noticed she’d been frenziedly and quite unconsciously, fluttering her fan, a sure giveaway of her inner excitement. She snapped it shut and took a moment to collect herself. I am so attracted to this man, she thought, finally admitting the truth to herself. Judging from the intensity of his gaze, she hoped she might be receiving more than a Copyright 2016 - 2024