The Irish Upstart - By Shirley Kennedy Page 0,56

has the time to be constantly changing clothes.”

“But you are not in County Clare now, Miss,” answered Celeste with a sly smile. “And you do want to look your best, for many reasons.”

“Heed what I say, Celeste. From now on, I shall not borrow so much as a handkerchief from anyone. Have I made myself clear?”

Impressed by Evleen’s obvious determination, the lady’s maid said not another word on the subject, but asked, “And Master Patrick?”

“Patrick, too. And furthermore...” Evleen was about to voice a subject she’d been thinking about and just now had made her decision. “I am not going to London.”

“But you must! You cannot miss the Season. It is all that counts in the ton.”

“Well, I’m not a member of the ton, am I now?” Better I stay here.”

Her brother chose that moment to burst in, dressed in his old clothes. “I’m hungry, Evleen. Let’s go down and eat and then we can explore.”

Celeste took one look and rolled her eyes. “He should not go downstairs now, Miss Evleen. Here it’s customary for the children to take all meals in the classroom with their tutors, or in their rooms.”

“Not this child.” Evleen took Patrick’s hand. If ever she was going to assert herself, it must be now. “Come Patrick, we shall go downstairs and eat. If Lord Trevlyn disapproves, he’ll have us both to deal with.”

When they walked into the dining room, Evleen discovered the family already there, including Lord Trevlyn. “Patrick is going to eat with us,” she announced boldly. “I don’t believe in children being isolated in their rooms.” Ready for an argument, she stood waiting for Lord Trevlyn’s answer, noting the startled expressions of the sisters and their mother.

“But of course,” came Lord Trevlyn’s reply. “I shall enjoy having the boy share my eggs and sausage.” Amidst audible shocked intakes of breath from nieces and sister-in-law, he continued, “I have a lovely surprise for you, Evleen.”

“What is that?”

“I am arranging to open my London townhouse early.” He looked fondly at Patrick. “I cannot wait to show my grandson the sights of London. In a few days we shall leave for London. How does that sound?”

But I do not want to go, a little voice within Evleen screamed, but the words would not come out. Patrick was in his grandfather’s custody now, so she had no authority to forbid him anything. Besides, how could she stand in the boy’s way when he had expressed a great desire to see London? And so do I, she thought miserably. Despite the problems she knew she’d find there, she very much wanted to see all the sights of the huge city. That settled it, then. There was only one answer she could give.

“How lovely, Lord Trevlyn. Sounds fine to me. I can hardly wait to get there.”

Chapter 11

“Hst! Evleen, get up.”

“Patrick?” Evleen rolled over in her bed, still half-sleep.

“Time to get up, Evleen.”

“But it’s hardly dawn.” Evleen half opened her eyes. “Where am I?”

“London, silly.”

“Well, how am I supposed to know? I’ve awakened in so many strange beds lately it’s hard to tell.” Evleen propped herself on one elbow and regarded her clear-eyed brother, who was already dressed. “Why are you waking me so early?”

“Because at last we’re here in London and I want to go explore.” Patrick tugged at her bed covers. “Please, I cannot wait.”

Evleen sighed, wishing she could think of some fine excuse for putting Patrick off. She was tired. Lord Trevlyn’s creaking oak coach had arrived from Hatfield long after dark last night. It had been an uncomfortable ride, what with the coach being of an ancient vintage and not well-sprung. Then, too, she’d had the Trevlyn ladies to contend with. Curbed by the presence of Lord Trevlyn, they had been polite, but underneath, she could sense the seething resentment, with the exception of Amanda, of course, who pretty much sat silent in her corner. At least Patrick had kept her distracted, asking at least a million questions about the post road they were traveling on, and the coaches that occasionally thundered by. Exhausted, the whole family turned in not long after arriving at the earl’s large townhouse in what appeared to be the heart of London. “Can’t you wait a little while?” she asked, eyeing her pillow.

“Come on, sleepyhead, don’t you want to see London?”

She thought a moment. “As a matter of fact, I do.”

Minutes later, Patrick and Evleen, who had hastily dressed in the old calico and straw hat, were standing in the Copyright 2016 - 2024