Invincible (A Centennial City Novel) - By Fionn Jameson Page 0,82

some tears?”

I smiled. “For you? For the Fellowship? Fuck you, Beth.”

I didn’t get slapped this time.

Instead, a hand tangled in my hair and pulled me abruptly off the chair. Pain exploded across my temples and a small sound escaped my lips as I fought to keep from having the scalp torn off my head.

“You think this is funny?” The smell of alcohol was almost nauseating as a heavy set face with a jaw a bulldog would have envied pushed itself into my line of sight. I presumed it was his hand pulling my hair. “There are people dying out there. Someone knows who we fucking are and they’re picking us off like flies in a fucking blizzard. Is it you? Are you the one setting the bloodsuckers on us?”

I let him see the surprise in my eyes. It wasn’t hard. Considering how well identities of Hunters were guarded, the fact someone knew enough Hunters to get them killed was something very, very new. And very, very dangerous. “I have given my life to the Fellowship. The Elders were the ones who’ve given me a reason to live. I considered Hunters to be family.”

Until now.

I might forgive, but it wasn’t going to be any time soon. Considering how much I had given the Fellowship, the pain and horror I’ve been through, my treatment at the hands of Hunters made anger seem almost too easy.

He pulled me closer until I could count the individual pores on his face. “You think you’re so tough, don’t you?”

I wasn’t an idiot. “No. I don’t. Every day I am thankful I am still alive.”

Although, if I had my way, this one wouldn’t be this time tomorrow. I never forget a face and his would stay engraved in my mind for a very, very long time.

With a snarl, he let go of me and I staggered on wobbly knees, one hand on the chair back. I wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of seeing me fall.

“Sit down,” said Beth, eyes hard as rocks. “We’re not done with you.”

I shook my head. I refused to be the whipping boy any longer. “No, actually, you are done with me. Elder Chang told me to infiltrate Noir stronghold. I did that. Now, all I have to do is kill him. Why is that so hard for you to understand?”

The sword was still slung over my right shoulder. Either they were stupid, they were just stupid. Overly confident. Pride does come before a fall. If push came to shove, in the most literal and figurative sense, I would draw to save my life. I would die, but at least I would not die alone.

Surprisingly, she did not force me, but opted to stand herself. Standing about half a foot shorter than myself, I saw her look up, up and let her see me smile. I was petty enough to want to make her uncomfortable. It was a careful line between annoying someone and angering them and I had little wish in angering Beth.

“Since you left, we’ve lost thirty-seven Hunters.”

I blinked. “You assume I keep track of casualties. I don’t.”

Her lips thinned. “On any average month, losing ten would be bad. You’ve been gone for a week.”

“And you think I’ve been feeding Noir information.”

“Who else would?” she asked, eyes blazing. “How can we trust you when you have broken the one rule we hold sacred?”


I clenched my teeth and looked around the circle of Hunters, all of them very unhappy. Their fear smelled like burning leaves and I pinched my nose, trying to dispel the unsavory scent from my mind. “It was for the greater good. An opportunity unlike any other presented itself and I took it. If that is wrong, then fine, I am sorry.”

“Sorry isn’t going to cut it,” she spat out. “I’ve lost five friends and I intend to see their deaths revenged.”

I stared at her, incredulous, all rational thought gone from my mind. “Are you joking? Even though I haven’t done it, you’re going to kill me, just to satisfy some twisted sense of justice?”

Her fists clenched and unclenched at her sides. “Someone has to pay.”

“Right,” I murmured. “If my death should appease your pathetic revenge quest, then so be it. But just you. Has anyone else here have anyone they want to avenge? I’ll take you all, one by one, until this is settled and only one person still stands.”

Several of them opened their mouths, and I realized that while I was good...I wasn’t good enough to Copyright 2016 - 2024