Invincible (A Centennial City Novel) - By Fionn Jameson Page 0,29

offend, man.”

Jason snorted. “Let’s go, Ran.”

I followed Reiko and Marcus into the packed, dark club, all the while painfully aware of the blond vampire’s eyes on the back of my neck, like a line of ants marching down my spine.

“Should I have fought him?” whispered Jason directly into my ear and I rubbed it with my shoulder to stop the itching.

“Don’t be stupid,” I replied. “I thought our goal was to make your transition into vampire society as smooth as possible. Do you really think a fight your first night out will work?”

“Guess not.”

Marcus opened the other doors, and Reiko walked through, makeup turning her childish face into something older, something carnal. I was still having a hard time trying to reconcile the image of her wearing that skin-hugging black leather ensemble that trailed behind her in the form of a puffy veil to the little girl who had opened the door in a red dress…way back then.

Someone stood in the way, a tall woman dressed in a black business suit, hair tied back, accentuating her stunning Eurasian features. Past her, I saw bodies, a lot of them, dancing, swaying, bumping against each other in a brutally primitive way that would’ve made Madonna blush.

“Welcome to Black Masque,” shouted the woman with a small bow. “My name is Eve Faulkner.”

Reiko nodded imperially. “Vincent’s human emissary.”

Vincent. One of the four Vampire Lords of Centennial City.

Finally, the plan was set in motion.

No turning back.

Jason sidled next to me, didn’t even have to bend his head to speak into my ear. “This will be my…introduction to the vampire society, or so to speak, so perhaps we ought to be on our best behavior? After this, Reiko will get me into Noir’s House. And then you will be able to do what you do best.”

I didn’t have to ask what.

I nodded. I didn’t think he’d be able to hear me, not when the music just took a sudden upward surge, the discordant sounds of guitars and drums that made my nerves feel like they were going to jump out of my body and go walking all on their own.

The woman gestured and led us up a flight of metal stairs, the vibrations making their way up my legs and settle uncomfortably at the base of my spine.

There was a small alcove on the other side of the dance floor, soft leather sofas with a broad black table set in front. We were facing the entrance doors, something I didn’t know was intentional or unplanned.

Bottles of wine and champagne laid atop the table, each in their own silver bucket of ice, along with several crystal cut containers with jewel tops.

Reiko took a seat on a leather divan, or rather, she reclined, resting her feet on the other arm rest. “Won’t you tell Vincent I’d like very much to introduce him to my…entourage?”

This far up and opposite of the tall speakers, it was actually possible to hear her speak in a semi-normal volume and I took a spot along the wall, hands held in front of me. The classic bodyguard position.

Eve looked at me in an inquisitive fashion, but didn’t say anything.

I wondered if she knew I wasn’t a vampire.

Jason sat down on a love-seat next to Reiko and Marcus stood next to me, mimicking my stance.

Vincent’s emissary bowed again, this time deeper. “I am sure he is already on his way here, Domina Kumamoto.”

Kumamoto? Was that Reiko’s last name?

Reiko lifted a slim, tall flute and let Jason pour her a small amount of champagne, the bubbles glistening like diamonds in the darkness of the club. “Thank you, Eve Faulkner.”

She nodded and excused herself, with another glance in my direction.

I’m sure she had questions.

We all did.

It was just a matter of whether a person had the…guts to ask.

Jason looked up at me, a brow quirked. “What the hell are you doing?”

I returned the look. “Being your Ailward.”

He guffawed. “Looking like that? No one’s going to believe you.”

Marcus and I exchanged a glance and Marcus shrugged. “He’s right. You’re too small.”

“Too small? I’m almost six feet tall.”

He shook his head. “You’re too skinny.”

That was the first time I heard such a thing. “What’s wrong with being skinny?”

Marcus shoved me on the shoulder and I staggered a step, back hitting the wall. “You see?”

“I get the point,” I said and righted myself, tugging the leather coat back over my shoulders. “Touch me again and you'll lose the hand.”

Reiko sighed. “You did not give up all your weapons? I am Copyright 2016 - 2024