Invincible (A Centennial City Novel) - By Fionn Jameson Page 0,17

you Ran?”

The girl was beautiful, small and delicate like a doll, black hair loose about her slim shoulders, thick bangs brushing the tops of her faint eyebrows. Her skin looked white, almost like she powdered her face, but I knew if I touched her, my fingers would come away clean.

“I am. Who are you?”

She smiled almost shyly and I watched her canines elongate, ever so slightly, almost like watching a rose bloom in quick-motion. Disturbing, to say the least. “Reiko. Our names are similar!”

Appearance-wise, she seemed about ten. I would’ve bet she was at least ten times older. With one swift movement, she could stick out her foot and I’d end up halfway down the street. Moving with caution never seemed so prudent. When in doubt, flatter. “Nice to meet you, Reiko. You’re the cutest girl I’ve ever seen.”

She giggled and flicked a lock of hair over one shoulder. “Thank you. You have a nice face, too. Won’t you come in?”

You have a nice face, too.

Such innocent words, spoken with such an innocent expression. And yet, I knew, given half the provocation, she could rip the flesh off my bones and wear it like a cape.

The hallway was awash with light and I stepped in, my shoes silent on the lush green carpet. “Do you live here, Reiko?”

I didn’t mean to talk to her as though she were a child, but I couldn’t seem to stop. Not with a face like that. “Yes, I do.”

“Do you live here alone?”

“No. We’ve been waiting for you.”

On that rather ominous note, I followed her into the living room, beautifully designed with dark wood furniture that gleamed under the large chandelier hung from the wood paneled ceiling. Large ceiling to floor windows with silken yellow drapes looked out into a garden and I recognized Jason sitting in a plush armchair in front of a softly crackling fire.

Jason smiled, but it was the sort of smile that did not reach his dark eyes. “Welcome, Ran. I see you’ve met Reiko.”

I nodded and she put a hand on my bag. I’m ashamed to say that I flinched. I’d never been so close to a vampire and not killed it immediately. “Oh. I’m sorry! Did I scare you?”

An immediate answer did not come to mind. “I…I’m sorry, Reiko. I’m just not used to being around such a pretty little girl.”

A pale wash of crimson came over her full cheeks. “You are too kind. Can I take your bag?”

Instinctively, my fingers tightened around the strap. “No, it’s much too heavy for you.”

Silly words, especially when spoken to a vampire older than America.

But it seemed to work.

This time, her entire face blazed and if she’d been wearing a skirt, she probably would’ve curtsied. “May I lead you to your room, then?”

To be honest, I didn’t want to around her any longer than I had to. “Oh…what does Mr. Eldridge want me to do?”

If I expected any help from his corner, I was not going to get it.

He inclined his head to one side in a gracious manner. “Thank you very much, Reiko. After you show her to her room, I think Marcus will take you out for the night.”

Who was Marcus?

The little girl awarded him with a blinding smile, made all the more prominent by her jutting canines. I couldn’t remember the last time I felt so unsure of my safety. “Thank you, Jason. Ran, won’t you follow me?”

Jason, almost as though he understand the moral quandary I was in, merely nodded, his black eyes never leaving mine. “It’s all right, Ran. While you are here, you are safe. For all she looks and knows, Reiko is to be trusted.”

Trust a vampire. It was almost too much to bear.

But bear it, I would. “As you wish.”

“When you are settled, I would be pleased if you could join me,” he said and I could only nod in agreement as Reiko led me up a flight of stairs, the railing polished and slightly waxy to the touch.

We stopped at the second floor landing and she pointed up the still ascending stairs. “Upstairs, that is where I am. If you need me, just come upstairs, okay?”

Like hell I would. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

I would never willingly walk into a pit of snakes and this seemed no different.

There were several doors, all of them closed on this particular floor and I trailed a hand down the dark blue wallpaper, blooming roses with vines running up and down the walls.

She opened a door Copyright 2016 - 2024