The Intimacy Experiment (The Roommate #2) - Rosie Danan Page 0,103

itself, not when that was exactly what it was designed to do.

Chapter Thirty-Three

ETHAN OPENED HIS door the next morning to find Leah holding a bottle of whiskey in one hand and a carton of chocolate milk in the other. She pushed them toward him, one after the other.

“Which one do you want?”

He took the chocolate milk and walked back inside. It took a lot of restraint not to open it and chug. Also to avoid pressing the cold, sweating carton against the side of his face, puffy as it was from lack of sleep. Everything ached. That premonition kind of sick when you could feel illness on the horizon, waiting to descend. Sore throat. Limbs that weighed twice what they ought to. A weariness that went deeper than his bones. It was like his immune system had heard about last night and given up the ghost.

“Are you gonna tell me what happened?” Leah helped herself to one of his glasses and poured in a few splashes of whiskey. “You don’t look like you got in another fistfight.”

Oh. Right. He’d texted her one word, hours after Naomi had left, somewhere around sunrise. Ow.

He’d felt like he should tell someone. You were supposed to call for help while drowning.

Ethan opened the cabinet. Sighed. Of course he was out of clean glasses. Lifting down a mug instead felt like a Herculean effort.

“I’ve recently become unemployed.” The chocolate milk sloshed out of the carton, making a satisfying glug-glug noise as he filled the mug to the rim. It didn’t hurt as much—the second time he said the words out loud—but the difference was negligible. For the first time in his life, he felt like he understood why dogs howled at the moon.

“What?” Leah lowered her whiskey, slamming the glass down hard enough that amber liquid splashed up and onto his counter.

“And single,” he said, because why not get it all out at once? The chocolate milk was good, smooth and rich on his tongue, conjuring comforting memories chock-full of nostalgia. It was fine that he was thirty-two, without prospects for either employment or matrimony, and drinking chocolate milk. F-I-N-E.

Leah walked around the kitchen island to smack him on the arm. “Are you serious?”

“Afraid so.” He swiped at the chocolate milk running down his chin. He’d been midsip when she’d hit him.

“What in the . . . why would . . .” She huffed indignantly several times. “What the fuck did you do?”

That was the problem. Or one of them, at least. He hadn’t done anything. He’d let the board push him out of the synagogue. Let Naomi push him away. He’d run, again, because it was easier than staying and cleaning up the mess of his loss.

“The board accused me of improper contact.” Ethan had questioned for the first time last night, deep into the evening when it seemed like his limbs had melted and become one with the sofa, whether he could see their point. Had he acted outside the bounds of his position? Jeopardized the synagogue’s chances at rehabilitation? But he kept coming to the same conclusion. His religion didn’t stand in opposition to his love.

Leah rescued what remained of her whiskey and drained the glass. “Is that code for dating someone way hotter than you?” She proceeded to drag him by the sleeve to the kitchen table and push him into a chair, bringing the bottle with her.

“Among other things.”

Ethan wanted to tell her that every room in this house was haunted. Full of memories and plans he’d had of and for Naomi. He wanted to tell her he couldn’t stay here. Couldn’t sleep or eat or pray in these rooms that reeked of her.

“I can’t believe you dumped Naomi Grant because she made you look bad.” The judgment in Leah’s voice was hot enough to sear.

“What? I didn’t break up with her.” He reeled back, indignant. “You really think I’m that dumb?”

Leah relaxed her shoulders. “Just making sure.”

“Naomi ended things.” Bitterness spilled out of him and practically dripped on the countertop. “She basically told me to beg on my belly for my job back.”

“. . . Are you gonna?”

Ethan sighed. “I don’t know yet.” He was still in shock. On the one hand, shouldn’t he try to cut his losses? Try to keep fighting for Beth Elohim? If he couldn’t have love, he could at least retain his sense of purpose.

But how could he go back and try to work with a board who didn’t trust him? Leah traced circles Copyright 2016 - 2024