Instinctive - By Cathryn Fox Page 0,23

sailed past her, she knew what they saw: a buttoned-up prude not worth talking to. But not Slyck. No, Slyck saw the real her. And she wasn’t certain that was a good thing.

As her mind raced to Slyck, and their erotic phone call, her entire body quivered in yearning. She’d only gone along with the sexy game to get him out of her system, but the truth was, masturbating on the phone with him had left her needing the real thing.

Once again Jaclyn’s skin grew itchy without warning, and she wondered if there was something in the town that she was allergic to.


Her breath stalled, and she didn’t need to turn toward the voice to know who it was. His rich tone bombarded her with need, and her skin grew more irritated, inflamed. Jeez, maybe it was Slyck she was allergic to.

She turned to face him. Unlike the well-groomed guy she’d first met a couple of days ago, he now looked rumpled, dark, and somewhat dangerous. As she wondered what got him in such a disheveled state, she fought the urge to squirm. Right into his powerful yet scrumptious arms.

“Hey,” she finally managed to respond.

He pitched his voice low and dipped his head. “What are you doing, Jaclyn?”

“I needed air,” she rushed out quickly.

She noticed the way Slyck glanced over her shoulder, his expression guarded, and how he pressed himself deeper into the shadows.

She gestured with a nod toward Vibes. “So I thought I’d check out the music.”

In a move that took her off guard, he caught hold of her hand and hauled her into the dark alleyway between buildings. Breath ragged and body tense, he put his arms on either side of her head, caging her between him and the wall. The clean scent of his freshly showered skin reached her nostrils, and she pulled it into her lungs. His seductive aroma curled through her blood, reminding her she was a libidinous woman—a libidinous woman with so very many unsated needs. Slyck touched a damp lock of her hair and searched her face.

His gaze was so dark and intense it took two locked knees to keep herself upright. The air grew ripe with the scent of her arousal. She watched Slyck’s nostrils flare when he caught her excited tang as it saturated the narrow alleyway. His eyes closed for the briefest of seconds.

She touched his face. “What—”

He cut her off and brought his mouth closer and she could have sworn she heard him purring. “You need to get out of here.”


He pulled her against him. Turmoil flashed in his green eyes. “Because if you don’t, I’m going to ravish you. And I don’t think it’s in your best interests,” he said with quiet certainty.

She gulped air. “What is in my best interest?”

His lips hovered over hers, and she got a heady whiff of aged scotch. “Leave town.”

That took her by surprise, especially after the sexy voyeur game he’d played with her. She crinkled her nose, wondering what was going on. Why was he suddenly pushing her away? “You want me to leave?”

“Yes. It’s for your own good.” He pulled her in tighter, his actions seeming to contradict his words.

“It doesn’t seem like it’s for your good,” she said, stating the obvious as his hard cock pressed into her stomach.

His nostrils flared again, and he growled into her mouth. “Tonight, Jaclyn. Leave tonight.”

God, the steady way he held and touched her made her feel so edgy, so out of control. She wanted him more than she had ever wanted any other man, which gave credence to her logic to stay away, because sleeping with him wasn’t conducive to her new image. Then again, the phone sex hadn’t helped either. But the fire that brewed between her legs and the way her birthmark began to burn and sizzle urged her to answer the demands of her body.

Just once.

Just for tonight.

Then tomorrow she’d get back on track.

She had no idea what possessed her to say it, but without censoring her thoughts she said, “But you haven’t been properly punished yet.”

His hands fisted. His jaw clenched. She could feel his heart pounding so hard against his rib cage, she was sure it was going to burst wide-open.

“And I’m just the girl to do it,” she added.

“Oh, fuck, Jaclyn. You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into.”

She thrust her pelvis forward. “Maybe we should be thinking about what you could be getting yourself into.”

The invitation in her voice seemed to unleash something wild Copyright 2016 - 2024