Insomnia Page 0,6

and when the thunder cracked again, he cringed and put his book on top of his head. Ralph was able to read the bright red letters of the title: Buckdancer's Choice.

"It's what you ought to do, too, Ralph. You don't want to mess in with long-time business. It's a good way to get hurt."

"What are you-" But before Ralph could finish, Dorrance turned his back and went lumbering off in the direction of the picnic area with his fringe of white hair-as gossamer as the hair on a new baby's head-rippling ing in the breeze of the oncoming storm.

One problem solved, but Ralph's relief was short-lived. Ed had been temporarily distracted by Dorrance, but now he was looking daggers at Heavyset again. "Cuntlicker!" he spat. "Fucked your mother and licked her cunt!"

Heavyset's enormous brow drew down. "What"

Ed's eyes shifted back to Ralph, whom he now seemed to recognize.

"Ask him what's under that tarp!" he cried. "Better yet, get the murdering cocksucker to show you!"

Ralph looked at the heavyset man. "What have you got under there?"

"What's it to you?" Heavyset asked, perhaps trying to sound truculent. He sampled the look in Ed Deepneau's eyes and took two more sidling steps away.

"Nothing to me, something to him," Ralph said, lifting his chin in Ed's direction. "Just help me cool him out, okay?"

"You know him?"

"Murderer!" Ed repeated, and this time he lunged hard enough under Ralph's hands to drive him back a step. Yet something was happening, wasn't it? Ralph thought the scary, vacant look was seeping out of Ed's eyes. There seemed to be a little more Ed in there than there had been before... or perhaps that was only wishful thinking.

"Murderer, baby murderer!"

"Jesus, what a looney tune," Heavyset said, but he went to the rear of the truckbed, yanked one of the ropes free, and peeled back a corner of the tarpaulin. Beneath it were four pressboard barrels, each marked WEED-GO. "Organic fertilizer," Heavyset said, his eyes flicking from Ed to Ralph and then back to Ed again. He touched the bill of his West

Side Gardeners cap. "I spent the day working on a set of new flower-beds outside the Derry Psych Wing... where you could stand a short vacation, friend."

"Fertilizer?" Ed asked. It was himself he seemed to be speaking to.

His left hand rose slowly to his temple and began to rub there.

"Fertilizer?" He sounded like a man questioning some simple yet staggering scientific development.

"Fertilizer," Heavyset agreed. He glanced back at Ralph and said, "This guy is sick in the head. You know it?"

"He's confused, that's all," Ralph answered uneasily. He leaned over the side of the truck and rapped a barrel-top. Then he turned back to Ed. "Barrels of fertilizer," he said. "Okay?"

No response. Ed's right hand rose and began to rub at his other temple. He looked like a man sinking into a terrible migraine.

"Okay?" Ralph repeated gently.

Ed closed his eyes for a moment, and when they opened again, Ralph observed a sheen in them he thought was probably tears. Ed's tongue slipped out and dabbed delicately first at one corner of his mouth and then the other. He took the end of his silk scarf and wiped his forehead, and as he did, Ralph saw there were Chinese figures embroidered on it in red, just above the fringe.

"I guess maybe-" he began, and then broke off. His eyes widened again in that look Ralph didn't like. "Babies!" he rasped. "You hear me? Babies." Ralph shoved him back against his car for the third or fourth time-he'd lost count. "What are you talking about, Ed?" An idea suddenly occurred to him. "Is it Natalie? Are you worried about Natalie?"

A small, crafty smile touched Ed's lips. He looked past Ralph at the heavyset man. "Fertilizer, huh? Well, if that's all it is, you won't mind opening one of them, will you?"

Heavyset looked at Ralph uneasily. "Man needs a doctor," he said.

"Maybe he does. But he was calming down, I thought... Could you open one of those barrels? It might make him feel better."

"Yeah, sure, what the heck. In for a penny, in for a pound," he said, There was another flash of lightning, another heavy blast of thunder-one that seemed to go rolling all the way across the sky this time-and a cold spackle of rain struck the back of Ralph's sweaty neck.

He glanced to his left and saw Dorrance Marstellar standing at the entrance to the picnic area, book in hand, watching the three of them anxiously.

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